BerkeleyAutomation / gqcnn

Python module for GQ-CNN training and deployment with ROS integration.

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Issue: Installation Issue: [Cannot download pre-trained model and training datasets]

SonYeongGwang opened this issue · comments

System information

  • OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Linux Ubuntu 16.04
  • Python version: 3.5
  • Installed using pip or ROS: pip

Hi, thank you for sharing and having us to have opportunity to refer such a great work.
I found that downloading the pre-trained model and datasets are no longer support in (
I ask you to have alternative way to find the sources!


Same problem for me. Would be great if they would be accessible again!

@SonYeongGwang seems like the files are accessible again!

It seems like! Thank you for letting me know!

@SonYeongGwang Again, the trained models are inaccessible.

@manish-kumar-01 I guess they moved the like from 'box' to 'g-drive'. You can find the google drive directly linked to the dexnet models at