0xSumitBanik / Nucleic-Acid-Analysis

List of few tools to study DNA Sequences and various operations on it. This repo can be used to solve Problems of ROSALIND (Bioinformatics Stronghold Track).

Home Page:http://nucleic-acid-analysis.000webhostapp.com/

Repository from Github https://github.com0xSumitBanik/Nucleic-Acid-AnalysisRepository from Github https://github.com0xSumitBanik/Nucleic-Acid-Analysis


This Repository contains code related to mini programming of Nucleic Acid Analysis such as:-

  1. Nucleotide Count of DNA
  2. DNA to RNA Conversion
  3. GC & AT Content of DNA
  4. Complement of DNA
  5. Point Mutation Count
  6. Translation of RNA

more to be updated, as I will be learning the theoretical aspect gradually.

Technology Stack

  1. HTML,
  2. Materialize CSS,
  3. JavaScript and JQuery

You can access the demo website here


List of few tools to study DNA Sequences and various operations on it. This repo can be used to solve Problems of ROSALIND (Bioinformatics Stronghold Track).



Language:CSS 64.9%Language:HTML 20.9%Language:JavaScript 14.2%