zm-cttae / matlab-trimesh-stereo-reconstruction

MATLAB stereo reconstruction to 3DP tessellated mesh (STL)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MATLAB Computer Vision Toolbox script for STL stereo reconstruction.

The script generates a tesselating 3D triangular mesh surface in STL format.

It was also my BEng capstone project in biomechanical engineering - used to generate 3D models of the retinal fundus.

What makes matlab-trimesh-stereo-reconstruction unique is that it implements userland logic for:

  • normalising a binocular disparity data map by combining multiple match methods
  • model-filtering the scene limits of the generated point cloud
  • post-processing the scene point cloud with an interpolating signal filter
  • normalising the Cartesian (X-Y-Z) output axes in the resulting STL

Dependency tree:

Install the mpm addon to manage File Exchange or GitHub dependencies automatically.

File tree:

  • ./script.m: a command window script
  • ./app.m: a GUI script
  • ./live.mlx: a live script
  • Image folders - ./data/*:
    • /input: actual 3D modelling target scene
    • /config/left: left stereo view with checkerboard
    • /config/right: right stereo view with checkerboard
  • Documentation - ./assets
  • Output - ./point-cloud.stl (checked out)



Input: collect grayscale stereo photos in landscape using the *.jpg / *.jpeg format (can use any imformats extension).

  • Add checkerboard images from left stereo view to ./config/left.
  • Add checkerboard images from right stereo view to ./config/right.
  • Add modelling input images from stereo view to ./config.

Output: A 3D representation of the ./input stereo image set in STL format. The default location is ./point-cloud.stl.

N.B: For good performance:

  • resize your images below 720p (maybe between 360p and 480p)
  • use GIMP and BIMP to convert the image color space to grayscale

Image support

  • Must be the same orientation as the checkerboard to reduce pixel error from reprojection.
  • For calibration images:
    • asymmetric (odd-even) checkerboard should be in all views
    • minimum image count per folder is 4 (for low reprojection error)
    • naming convention: ./config/<VIEW>/<VIEW>##.jpg (e.g. ./config/left/left01.jpg)
imformats() % supported images formats in MATLAB

N.B: the image file names must be numbered in ascending order.

Source code


Environment cleanup

close all;

Workspace cleanup

filePath = fullfile(pwd, 'data', 'toolbox');
stlPath = 'point-cloud.stl';
if exist(fullfile(filePath, stlPath), 'file')
    recycle on;
    delete(fullfile(filePath, stlPath));

Input loading

inputImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(filePath, 'input'));
I1 = readimage(inputImages, 1);
if size(I1, 3) == 3
    I1 = rgb2gray(I1);
I2 = readimage(inputImages, 2);
if size(I2, 3) == 3
    I2 = rgb2gray(I2);

Dependency management

if ~exist("surf2stl", "file")
    if ~matlab.addons.isAddonEnabled("mpm")
        error([                                                         ...
            "Please install MPM as a MATLAB Addon.\n"                   ...
            "<a href="""                                                ...
            ""    ...
            """>"                                                       ...
            "mpm - File Exchange - MATLAB Central"                      ...
            "</a>"                                                      ...
        mpm install surf2stl;

User configuration


  • imageMinimum: Minimum number of images in calib folder.
  • squareWidthMm: Checkerboard square width in mm.
  • ptCloudDensity: Point density within squareWidthMm.
  • sGolayFiltOrder: Savitsky-Golay extrapolation curve order.
  • sGolayFiltFrameLen: Savitsky-Golay sliding window point count.
  • disparitySGBias: Algorithm bias to semi-global matching vs block matching (in the range -1 to 1).
  • disparityMaxRatio: Ratio for disparity map ceiling vs maximum disparity (in the range 0 to 1).
squareWidth = 50;
ptCloudDensity = 5;
sGolayFiltOrder = 3;
sGolayFiltFrameLen = 21;
disparityBMBias = -0.5;
disparityMaxRatio = 0.675;

Show loading indicator

Script takes $T = ~30s$ to execute.

wb = waitbar(0, 'Loading');
wb.Visible = 'on';

Camera calibration of stereo images

Code based on MATLAB rectifyStereoImages code sample. [1]

Image loading

Using a grayscale color space reduces image data & overhead in calibration phase. [2].

See: "Image support".

waitbar(0, wb, 'Loading input images.');
calibLeftImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(filePath, 'config', 'left'));
calibRightImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(filePath, 'config', 'right'));

Image validation


  • char - mismatch in image count between ./config/left & ./config/right.
  • char - below 4 images in ./config/left & ./config/right.
  • char - mismatch in resolution of ./input images.
S1 = [size(I1, 1), size(I1, 2)];
S2 = [size(I2, 1), size(I2, 2)];

imageAmounts = struct;
imageAmounts.L = size(calibLeftImages.Files, 1);
imageAmounts.R = size(calibRightImages.Files, 1);

errno{1} = 'stereo2trimesh::ERR_MISMATCH_IMG_COUNT';
errno{2} = 'stereo2trimesh::ERR_CALIB_IMG_INSUFFICIENT';
errno{3} = 'stereo2trimesh::ERR_MISMATCH_IMG_DIM';

if imageAmounts.L ~= imageAmounts.R
    e = [errno{1} ' (L: ' imageAmounts.L ', R: ' imageAmounts.R];
elseif imageAmounts.L < 4
    e = [errno{2} ' (n=' imageAmounts.L ')'];
elseif ~isequal(S1, S2)
    e = [errno{3} ' (L: ' S1(1) 'x' S1(2) 'px, R: ' S2(1) 'x' S2(2) 'px)'];

Checkerboard detection

waitbar(0.1, wb, 'Detecting checkerboard keypoints.');
[imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(                    ...
    calibLeftImages.Files,                                              ...
    calibRightImages.Files                                              ...

Calculate undistorted checkerboard keypoints

worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareWidth);

Calibrate stereo camera system


  • EstimateSkew: Are image axes exactly perpendicular? Default: true.
  • EstimateTangentialDistortion Factor in whether the camera is horizontal. Default: true.
  • NumRadialDistortionCoefficients: Good for fish-eye lenses. Default: 2.
  • ImageSize: Matrix for size of image - imageSize. TODO: Adjust estimateCameraParameters parameters for experimental stage.
waitbar(0.2, wb, "Estimating camera parameters.");
[stereoParams, ~, estimationErrors] = estimateCameraParameters(         ...
    imagePoints, worldPoints,                                           ...
    'EstimateSkew', true,                                               ...
    'EstimateTangentialDistortion', false                               ...

Display camera extrinisics

Figure 1: Checkerboard boundary points for calibration experiment.

Reprojection is process of "reprojecting" original image from a camera image.

Most camera images have distortion (e.g. "fisheye" lens effect).

waitbar(0.3, wb, "Showing camera extrinisics.");
showExtrinsics(stereoParams, "CameraCentric");
view([-45 45]);

Figure 1 - Extrinsic Parameters

Graph camera reprojection errors

Figure 1: Reprojection errors for calibration experiment.

waitbar(0.4, wb, "Showing reprojection errors.");

Output 1 - Stereo camera parameters

displayErrors(estimationErrors, stereoParams);

Figure 2 - Reprojection Error

Stereo rectification with "valid" output view

The "valid" option is most suitable for computing disparity of rectified images. These images have negative polar distortion and appear concave (the top has a U-curve). It limits the rectified image data from to a regular 2D rectangle. [3]


  • OutputView: Crops the image to a rectangle, fitting inside the overlapping, curved 3D anaglyph. Default: valid.
waitbar(0.5, wb, "Showing stereo rectification.");
[F1, F2] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2, stereoParams, 'OutputView', 'valid');
pixelDensityMm = mrdivide(                                              ...
    mean([                                                              ...
        stereoParams.CameraParameters1.FocalLength,                     ...
        stereoParams.CameraParameters2.FocalLength                      ...
    ], 2),                                                              ...
    mean([                                                              ...
        stereoParams.CameraParameters1.IntrinsicMatrix(1, 1),           ...
        stereoParams.CameraParameters2.IntrinsicMatrix(1, 1)            ...
    ], 2)                                                               ...
approxImageHeight = 2 * mean([size(F1, 1), size(F2, 1)], 2) / pixelDensityMm;
approxImageWidth = 2 * sqrt(2) * mean([size(F1, 2), size(F2, 2)], 2) / pixelDensityMm;

Display an "valid" output anaglyph image

Figure 3: stereo anaglyph image of input scene.

waitbar(0.6, wb, "Showing stereo anaglyph.");
hold on;
labels{1} = plot(nan, nan, 'color', 'red');
labels{2} = plot(nan, nan, 'color', 'black');
labels{3} = plot(nan, nan, 'color', 'cyan');
legend([labels{:}], {'left', '', 'right'});
imshow(stereoAnaglyph(F1, F2));
axis tight;
title 'Rectified Image';
clearvars labels;

Figure 3 - Stereo anaglyph

Disparity computation from stereo images.

Code based on MATLAB disparitySGM code sample. [4]

Compute disparity map from stereo images

Generate a disparity (Cartesian z-depth) colormap of the scene. We take a biased average of the disparity map produced by semi-global and block matching algorithms. This ensures reduced "hole" (neutral) amplitudes in the disparity data.


  • Adjust disparityBMBias as appropriate for the image input.
  • Adjust the range maximum to $c\times2^4,c\in\mathbb{N}$ to remove outliers or camera noise.
waitbar(0.7, wb, "Computing disparity map.");
disparityMapBM = disparityBM(F1, F2, "DisparityRange", [0, 64]);
disparityMapSGM = disparitySGM(F1, F2, "DisparityRange", [0, 64]);

disparityMapBM(isnan(disparityMapBM)) = 0;
disparityMapSGM(isnan(disparityMapSGM)) = 0;

disparityBMQuotient = (1 + disparityBMBias) / 2;
disparitySGMQuotient = (1 - disparityBMBias) / 2;

disparityMap = disparityBMQuotient * disparityMapBM + disparitySGMQuotient * disparityMapSGM;
disparityMap(disparityMap==0) = NaN;

Remove "spike" transients

Limit disparity values to ~90% of the maximum to remove maximal AKA "spike" transients.

disparityMapCeil = disparityMaxRatio * max(max(disparityMap));
disparityMap(disparityMap>=disparityMapCeil) = NaN;

Display disparity map

Figure 4: disparity map of scene as parula colormap image.

waitbar(0.8, wb, "Showing parula colormap.");
imshow(disparityMap, [0, 64]);
title 'Disparity Map';
axis tight;
colormap parula;
colorbar southoutside;

Figure 4 - Disparity map

Point cloud generation using depth data

Reconstruct organised point cache matrix

Converts the disparity map into a point cloud. Produces raw geometric dataset in m - standard STL dimensions.

waitbar(0.9, wb, "Generating point cloud.");
rawPoints3D = reconstructScene(disparityMap, stereoParams);
rawPoints3D(isinf(rawPoints3D)) = NaN;
rawPoints3D = double(rawPoints3D) ./ 1000;

Initialise axial, co-ordinate point cloud cache

pointsCache = struct;
axesKeys = ["X", "Y", "Z"];
for m = 1:3
    k = char(axesKeys(m));
    p = rawPoints3D(:, :, m);
    pointsCache.(k) = p;
clearvars p k;

Compute checkerboard centroid as struct

Compute checkerboard position as a Cartesian coordinate in the point cloud. It's the mean of the co-ordinate set closest to the origin in the z-axis.

TODO: See if I need to change min in some way (assumes convex).

checkerboardCentroid = struct;
checkerboardCentroid.Z = min(min(pointsCache.Z));
checkerboardIndex = sort(find(checkerboardCentroid.Z == pointsCache.Z));
checkerboardCentroid.X = 0;
checkerboardCentroid.Y = 0;

Restrict point cloud to image scene dimensions


  • point cloud x = scene image width
  • point cloud y = √0.5 × scene image height
  • point cloud z = √0.5 × scene image (height + width)
waitbar(0.9, wb, "Filter-processing point cloud co-ordinates.");
limits = struct;
cacheAxes = char(fieldnames(pointsCache));

for m = 1:3
    switch m
        case 1
            bound = approxImageWidth;
        case 2
            bound = sqrt(0.5) * approxImageHeight;
            bound = mean([approxImageHeight, approxImageWidth], 2) / 2;

    k = cacheAxes(m);
    c = checkerboardCentroid.(k);
    l = bound/1000;

    lim = [c - l, c + l];
    limits.(k) = lim;

    p = pointsCache.(k);
    p(p < lim(1) | p > lim(2)) = NaN;
    pointsCache.(k) = p;

clearvars k lim p;

Filter point cloud for invalid values

Remove invalid NaN values inside point cloud.

  • Raw values that are +Inf / -Inf / NaN.
  • Points that fall outside range of point cloud.
nanPoints = ( 0                                                         ...
    | isnan(pointsCache.X)                                              ...
    | isnan(pointsCache.Y)                                              ...
    | isnan(pointsCache.Z)                                              ...

for m = 1:3
    k = cacheAxes(m);
    p = pointsCache.(k);
    p(nanPoints) = checkerboardCentroid.(k);
    pointsCache.(k) = p;

clearvars k p;

Surface mesh conversion

Surface mesh denoising and interpolation

Generate a organised point cloud as a struct with 1 axis per field. Code adapted from StackOverflow. [5]

  1. The scatteredInterpolant factory function computes interpolant. [6]
  2. MATLAB maps meshgrid regular matrix of x-y points.
  3. Savitzky-Golay filter used to denoise points in z-axis.


waitbar(0.9, wb, "Interpolating point cloud as surface mesh.");
gs = (1 / ptCloudDensity) * (squareWidth / 1000);

I = scatteredInterpolant(pointsCache.X(:), pointsCache.Y(:), pointsCache.Z(:), "natural");

gridPoints = struct;
intX = min(pointsCache.X(:)):gs:max(pointsCache.X(:));
intY = min(pointsCache.Y(:)):gs:max(pointsCache.Y(:));
[gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Y] = meshgrid(intX, intY);

gridPoints.Z = I(gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Y);
intZ1 = sgolayfilt(gridPoints.Z.', sGolayFiltOrder, sGolayFiltFrameLen);
intZ2 = sgolayfilt(gridPoints.Z, sGolayFiltOrder, sGolayFiltFrameLen);
gridPoints.Z = (intZ1.' + intZ2)/2;

Output 2: Warning for removing duplicated data points in the I() constructor.

Output 2 - Interpolant (duplicates removed)

Restore correct Cartesian axes in coordinate system

Apply geometric transforms to gridded point clouds:

  • $-1$ scalar transformation of y-axis (vertical axis of image plane)
  • $-1$ scalar transformation of z-axis (depth axis of image plane)
gridPoints = struct('X', gridPoints.X, 'Y', gridPoints.Z, 'Z', -1 .* gridPoints.Y);

Create 3-by-3 point cloud matrix

points3D = double.empty();
for m = 1:3
    points3D(:, :, m) = gridPoints.(cacheAxes(m));

clearvars cacheAxes;

Mesh triangulation view of point cloud

Figure 5: 3D connected surface plot of the point cloud.

Note: We reverse the geometric transforms.

waitbar(0.925, wb, "Show surface mesh plot.");
mesh(gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Z, -1 .* gridPoints.Y);
title 'Mesh Triangulation';
xlabel 'x (horizontal displacement in m)';
ylabel 'y (vertical displacement in m)';
zlabel 'z (scene depth in m)';

set(gcf, "Color", "w");
set(gca, "XColor", "k");
set(gca, "YColor", "k");
set(gca, "ZColor", "k");
set(gca, "LineWidth", 1);

axis equal;
view([180 -90]);

colormap gray;
colorbar southoutside;
rotate3d on;

Figure 5 - Surface mesh

STL file generation from point cloud

Using surf2stl for high stability & speed (low interpolation).

waitbar(0.95, wb, "Writing STL output..");
stlPath = char(fullfile(pwd, stlPath));
surf2stl(stlPath, gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Y, gridPoints.Z);

Output 5 - STL facets


waitbar(1, wb, "Done!");

Output 3: STL surface mesh in Autodesk Fusion 360 (external).

Output 6 - Windows Autodesk Fusion

