zhouyao4321 / KP2D

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Neural Outlier Rejection for Self-Supervised Keypoint Learning

Code coming soon.


  • IO-Net: A novel proxy task for the self-supervision of keypoint description.
  • KeyPointNet: An improved keypoint-network architecture that is especially amenable to robust keypoint detection and description.

[Full paper]

Over-fitting Examples

  • Toy example:

Target Frame Heatmap Source Frame

  • TRI example:

Target Frame Heatmap Source Frame

Qualatitive Results

  • Illumination Cases:

Illumination case(1) Illumination case(2)

  • Perspective Cases:

Perspective case(1) Perspective case(2)

  • Rotation Cases:

Rotation case(1) Rotation case(2)


Please use the following citation when referencing our work:

title={Neural Outlier Rejection for Self-Supervised Keypoint Learning},
author={Jiexiong Tang and Hanme Kim and Vitor Guizilini and Sudeep Pillai and Rares Ambrus},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
