zDevelopers / ZePS-GUI

L'interface d'un outil de calcul d'itinéraires, principalement utilisé pour se repérer dans le Netherrail de Zcraft. Nécessite https://github.com/zDevelopers/ZePS-Core .

Home Page:https://zeps.zcraft.fr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


L'interface d'un outil de calcul d'itinéraire dans le Nether Zcraftien, et peut-être plus à l'avenir...


Installation & update


PHP 5.5+ is required to run this application.

# Clones the repository
git clone https://github.com/zDevelopers/ZePS-GUI.git

# Installs Composer
# Check the installation instructions here: https://getcomposer.org/download/ (link below).

# Updates the dependencies
php composer.phar install

# And the front dependencies
npm install --save-dev

# Then build the front according to the Run section below

Composer installation documentation is available here.


# Updates the code (if needed)
git pull

# Updates the dependencies (if needed)
php composer.phar install
npm install --save-dev

# Clears the cache (always, especially in production)
# If you don't want to remove all the cache for the routing API (because it auto-clears when needed),
# you should delete the cache/twig/ directory only (but, delete it!): rm -rf cache/twig/*
rm -rf cache/*

# Then build the front according to the Run section below


The front assets are built using webpack.

Local test server

To launch the webpack development server plus the PHP server, run:

npm run dev

The app should be accessible at This command enable webpack's hot-reload.

Production server

To generate production assets, run:

npm run prod

and you'll find them in the web/dist directory a few seconds later.

The server serving the application must serve the /web/ directory only. By default, the service will be available through https://root/index.php, https://root/index.php/about, etc. To remove the filename part, use a rewrite rule, like this one for Apache:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        Options -MultiViews

        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteBase /
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

(with all usual security features too, like no indexing, etc.). Use that if you prefer nginx.

To enhance application performances, you can use the optimized autoloader (I even recommend it)—but if you do so, you'll have to re-update it for every release.

php composer.phar dump-autoload -a


L'interface d'un outil de calcul d'itinéraires, principalement utilisé pour se repérer dans le Netherrail de Zcraft. Nécessite https://github.com/zDevelopers/ZePS-Core .




Language:JavaScript 41.0%Language:PHP 33.3%Language:Twig 15.2%Language:SCSS 10.5%