This is yupswing personal configuration
I am using dotdrop
as a dotfiles manager (
- Look for
in code
- we need at least
- then lot of stuff is needed, but at least
- install also
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 ~/dotfiles
pip3 install -r ~/dotfiles/dotdrop/requirements.txt
~/dotfiles/ install
pacman -S python-jinja-time python-docopt python-distro python-ruamel-yaml python-tomli-w python-requests
- install
Fira Code
FiraCode Nerd Font
Roboto Condensed
Font Awesome 5
Material Design Icons
dotinstall # Install files from repo to local
dotinstall -p ssh # install ssh files (or any other profile for the matter)
dotupdate # Update repo with local files
dotcompare # Compare differences between repo and local files
- New files are installed but removed files are not deleted!
- Template files are to be updated manually
look for {%@@
to find template blocks
#EXAMPLE (see config.yaml for profiles name)
{%@@ if profile == WORK_HOST @@%}
{%@@ endif @@%}
I use the zsh
- Edit
for the simple stuff - Edit or add files to the
which are autoloaded inzshrc
This zshrc
comes with zplug
which get autoinstalled at first run (customizaton in zshlib/25-zplug.zsh
- To reset zplug just run
rm -rf $YUPZSHRC_HOME/zplug
and restart your shell. - To update zplug just run
. - If zplug gives "unknown error" when installing or updating plugins, install
(only if you don't want to use the profile tags of dotdrop)
The library loads zshrc.local
if present in the following directories
Enable profiling in zsh/zshrc.zsh
and then run zprof
test multiple shell launch
for i in $(seq 1 10); do /usr/bin/time -f %E $SHELL -i -c exit; done
- bspwm windows manager (also an old configuration with i3)
- wal colors (pywal)
- feh background
- picom compositor
- polybar bar
- dunst notifications
- rofi+dmenu launcher
- rofi-calc bridge
- rofi-calc bridge
- xclip clipboard tool
- greenclip clipboard
- kitty terminal
- i3lock-color screenlock (with
- paru ibm-plex
- paru bibata
- paru tela
- paru mojave-gtk-theme-git
to see them all
less ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
mod ............................... using ALT as super
alt + enter ....................... run terminal (kitty)
alt + q ........................... close window
alt + shift + q ................... kill window
alt + shift + r ; s ............... reload sxhkd
alt + shift + r ; b ............... reload bspwm
alt + ctrl + shift + r ............ quit bspwm
alt + space ....................... run application menu
alt + shift + space ............... run command menu
alt + tab ......................... window menu
alt + p ........................... power menu
alt + s ........................... search menu (mlocate)
alt + c ........................... clipboard menu (greenclip)
alt + ctrl + c .................... clear clipboard (greenclip)
alt + shift + c ................... calculator (qalc)
alt + l ........................... lock screen (i3lock-color)
alt + k ........................... change keyboard layout (xkb-switch)
print ............................. screenshot screen (file+clipboard)
shift + print ..................... screenshot area (file+clipboard)
ctrl + print ...................... open screenshot folder (~/Pictures/screenshots)
alt + {1-9,0,-,=,],\} ............. move to workspace
alt + shift + {1-9,0,-,=,],\} ..... move window to workspace
alt + ` ........................... focus urgent
alt + {arrows} .................... focus in that direction
alt + shift + {arrows} ............ move window in that direction
alt + ctrl + {arrows} ............. preselect direction
alt + ctrl + space ................ reset preselection
alt + h ........................... hide window
alt + shift + h ................... show hidden windows and choose what to show (rofi)
alt + m ........................... toggle between tiled and monocle
alt + s ; t ....................... tiled
alt + s ; p ....................... pseudo-tiled
alt + s ; f ....................... floating
alt + s ; s ....................... fullscreen
alt + {PageUp, PageDown} .......... rotate windows
alt + x ; c ....................... launch chrome
alt + x ; s ....................... launch spotify
alt + x ; e ....................... launch enpass
alt + x ; n ....................... launch nemo
Used just as single window with tabs (don't care about tiling since a use a tiling wm)
ctrl + n .......................... new tab
ctrl + num ........................ goto tab
ctrl + w .......................... close tab
shift + page_up ................... page up
shift + page_down ................. page down
ctrl + shift + c .................. copy
ctrl + shift + v .................. paste
- added
- remember to run
fc-cache -r
- Static history (permanent history) is located at
- Standard history is located in
- To add a blacklisted app see
Very basic config taken from
To try different themes use
wal --theme <NAME>
orwal --theme random
Or just use my defaults,
wal --theme desat
orwal --theme monokai
To choose the main colors change all places where you find the tag
wal --theme monokai # default wal --theme desat wal --theme random
Sometimes the foreground color over primary/secondary looks bad.
Just use invert dark/light where you find
To choose a font look for
To customise workspaces binding look for
You can also use the shortcut
yuptheme name
oryuptheme path/to/picture
(it does executewal
wal --theme default
- color0 black #000000 // 0 -> DARK
- color8 black #767676
- color1 red #cc0403 // 1 -> DANGER
- color9 red #f2201f
- color2 green #19cb00 // 2 -> SUCCESS
- color10 green #23fd00
- color3 yellow #cecb00 // 3 -> WARNING, SECONDARY, ACCENT
- color11 yellow #fffd00
- color4 blue #0d73cc // 4 -> PRIMARY
- color12 blue #1a8fff
- color5 magenta #cb1ed1
- color13 magenta #fd28ff
- color6 cyan #0dcdcd // 6 -> INFO
- color14 cyan #14ffff
- color7 white #dddddd // 7 -> WHITE
- color15 white #ffffff
primary = #01787D
red = #EC407A
red-dark = #A12C53
pink = #EC7875
purple = #BA68C8
blue = #42A5F5
cyan = #4DD0E1
teal = #00B19F
green = #61C766
lime = #B9C244
yellow = #FDD835
amber = #FBC02D
# orange = #F19D3A
brown = #AC8476
indigo = #6C77BB
gray = #9E9E9E
blue-gray = #6D8895
I keep settings in a private gist
using the extension Settings Sync
Encode with gnupg2
gpg2 -c -o file.txt.gpg file.txt
Decode with (note that dotdrop decode transparently if you set up the config.yaml accordingly) See
gpg2 -d -o file.txt file.txt.gpg