yujinrobot / kobuki_core

Core (non-ros) kobuki packages.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove gh-pages branch on kobuki_core repo.

yhju opened this issue · comments

Unnecessary and duplicated.

Actually this information (http://yujinrobot.github.io/kobuki/) belongs to kobuki_core, but on the other hand the url http://yujinrobot.github.io/kobuki/ is nicer. So 👍

I agree. Serving the doxygen pages from github.com/yujinrobot/kobuki/gh-pages is nicer, and avoids linking errors if we change it.

As young hoon said though, that does mean gh-pages on kobuki_core is duplicated.

Thanks for volunteering to do the job young hoon ;)

Ouya, removed!