yquemener / ArmStone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Contains the as1 and as2 launch files. The two files are intended to be launched on the two intel nucs.

  • as1 connects to the motors
  • as1 launches the control stack ( motors and arm)
  • as2 runs localisation, connects to lidars etc
  • Dont forget udev rules on as1. See as_bringup/config/udev. The devices are named, so its important its all setup


  • Remember to initialise mecanum drive controller and vesc driver submodules
  • hardware interface is setup so that it merges the motor and arm hw interfaces into a combined one.


  • Pretty modular urdf setup
  • robots folder contains all the entry points
  • Otherwise I recommend just looking through how components are setup by reading the urdf folder contents.


  • has some launch files for slam_toolbox and some residue from experimenting with end-effector held realsense l515


  • stores the submodule for xarm drivers

Original software setup

  • Wifi Armstone5G
    • armstone@ArmStone1 (
    • armstone@ArmStone2 (
  • OS on nucs is u20
  • docker container runs ubuntu 18 (for running ros melodic)
  • DC control box IP (For use with xarm studio)
  • Setup Sofware
    • Start the docker container and open shell into it
    • git clone https://github.com/JuliusSustarevas/ArmStone.git
    • git submodule update --recursive
    • git submodule update --init --recursive
    • (in ~/armstone) catkin build
    • (in ~/armstone) source devel/setup.bash
    • ... Things are already setup till here in the ~/armstone folder
    • edit as_bringup as1.launch to enable the controls/modes you want
      • Remember to turn arm on/off
    • roslaunch as_bringup as1.launch


Note that xarm payload is calibrated for Armstone Extruder and you should recalibrate as needed via xarm firmware software.


Armstone uses persistent docker containers. I.e. there is one docker container that is started/stopped as needed but its the same container. Original build and launch comments for the container are in as_docker


  export ROS_IP=
  export ROS_MASTER_URI=  
  source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash  
  echo "CPU MODE:"
  cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor  
  #echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor


License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 65.6%Language:Python 17.3%Language:CMake 15.8%Language:C++ 0.9%Language:Shell 0.5%