yiyunevin / ROS-Mobile-Robot-Line-Following

A ROS package for line-following task with KUKA youBot.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Line-Following Task

Conclusion of Basic ROS

  • roscpp / rospy
  • topic / service / action
  • launch (all-in-one)
  • ros with opencv (monocular camera)
  • youbot control (both arm and moobile base)

Environment Setup

  • Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic
  • Platform: KUKA youBot
  • Visual Device: Pointgrey Flea3 camera


  1. Clone the repository to workspace and compile by $ catkin_make

  2. Prepare the dependencies:

  3. Adjust the filepathes in .../script/follow_line.py and .../script/follow_record.py

  4. Launch files:

    roslaunch youbot_driver_ros_interface youbot_driver.launch
    roslaunch find_line youbot_findline.launch
  5. Follow the hints on the screen

Parameters of launch file

  • /image_pub: the result image will be published to topic /camera/find_red_line (true) or directly show with cv::imshow (false)
  • /print_red_info: (for debugging) print the information about line detection
  • /do_arm_ini/do_follow_line/do_back_line/do_arm_home: enable each task

Result (Image Processing)

  • M : Slope
  • White px : area of the above part of the path in pixel


A ROS package for line-following task with KUKA youBot.


Language:C++ 62.9%Language:Python 31.4%Language:CMake 5.7%