yevgenypi / econia

Hyper-parallelized on-chain order book for the Aptos blockchain

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e·co·ni·a | /ə'känēə/

Hyper-parallelized on-chain order book for the Aptos blockchain

If you haven't already, consider checking out Econia Labs' Teach yourself Move on Aptos guide for some helpful background information!

Developer setup

Shell scripts

The easiest way to develop Econia is with the provided shell scripts, and the fastest way to run these scripts is by adding the following function to your runtime configuration file (~/.zshrc, ~/.bash_profile, etc):

# Shell script wrapper: pass all arguments to ./
s() {source "$@"}

Now you will be able to run the provided shell script file in whatever directory you are in by simply typing s:

% git clone
% cd econia
% s hello
Hello, Econia developer

See within a given directory for its available options.

Command line setup

  1. First follow the official Aptos developer setup guide.

  2. Then install the aptos CLI.

    • Note that this will go faster if adding a precompiled binary to ~/.cargo/bin rather than installing via cargo.
    • If the precompiled binary has not been released yet, additionally consider installing from Git, a method that does not always require rebuilding intermediate artifacts (see same resource for instructions, noting that building from binary can take up plenty of disk space inside of the aptos-core directory).
  3. Now you should be able to run all Move tests:

    # From inside Econia repository root directory
    cd src/move/econia # Navigate to Move package
    aptos move test -i 1000000 # Run all tests
    BUILDING Econia
    Running Move unit tests
  4. Then try building the Move documentation:

    # Still within Move package
    aptos move document
    BUILDING Econia

Using the Python package

Econia comes with a Python package for assorted build scripting functionality. The Python package is not as actively maintained as the Move code, and is mostly used for managing account addresses in Move.toml during package compilation (see src/move/econia/ Econia uses conda (a command line tool for managing Python environments), the econia conda environment, and the Econia Python package within the econia conda environment. It is not necessary to use the Python package to develop Econia, but not all of the shell scripts will work without it. To install the econia Python package:

  1. First install Homebrew:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Then brew install Miniconda:

    brew install miniconda # Python package management
  3. Create the econia conda environment with the Econia Python package inside:

    # From inside Econia project root
    conda env create -f conda.yml
    conda activate econia
    pip install -e src/python
  4. Then install the Aptos Python SDK from source with the econia conda environment still active.

  5. Create the secrets directories as needed:

    # From inside Econia project root
    if ! test -d .secrets; then mkdir .secrets; fi
    if ! test -d .secrets/devnet; then mkdir .secrets/old; fi
    if ! test -d .secrets/old; then mkdir .secrets/old; fi
    if ! test -d .secrets/vanity; then mkdir .secrets/devnet; fi

If using VS Code, select econia as the default Python interpreter, and the integrated terminal should automatically activate it as needed, otherwise use the command line:

# To activate
(base) % conda activate econia
# To deactivate
(econia) econia % conda deactivate

With the econia conda environment active, you can then build the Python package documentation, explore the provided interactive Jupyter notebook archive, and run package management shell scripts:

# From inside Econia project root
# Autobuild Sphinx documentation with realtime updates
(econia) % s ab
# From inside Econia project root
# Open Jupyter notebook gallery
# Earliest notebooks subject to breaking changes
(econia) % s nb
# From inside Jupyter notebook gallery
# Go back up to the Econia project root
(econia) % cd ../..
# Change directory to the Econia Move package
(econia) % s mp
# Move package has its own utility shell scripts
(econia) % s pt # Publish bytecode to temporary devnet address

Freeing up disk space

Installing all of the dependencies necessary to develop Econia can quickly take up disk space. To clean up cache files and intermediate artifacts, consider the following tools:

In particular, if using a Mac local Time Machine snapshots of intermediate artifacts may lead to excessive "purgable" disk space should substantial time pass between backups. It is possible to disable snapshots as mentioned in the support thread, but backing up to Time Machine should also help purge snapshots of intermediate artifacts, once the above tools are invoked.

Also consider deleting ~/.move from time to time.

Major filetypes


Move source code is at src/move/econia. In the absence of a formal style guide, Move code is formatted similarly to PEP8-style Python code. Auto-generated module documentation files are at src/move/econia/doc.


Markdown files have a line break for each new sentence to make diff tracking easier. GitBook markdown source files are at doc/doc-site/.


The Econia Python package source code is at src/python/econia. Python source is formatted according to the PEP8 style guide, and uses NumPy-style docstrings and PEP484-style type annotations, which are automatically parsed into a documentation website via Sphinx. Sphinx documentation source files are at doc/sphinx.


Interactive Jupyter notebook examples are at src/jupyter, listed in increasing order of creation number. The earliest notebooks are subject to breaking changes at the most recent commit, but they have been archived so as to be functional at the commit when they where finalized. Hence, older commits can be checked out and experimented with, but mostly they are useful for harvesting old code patterns.


Hyper-parallelized on-chain order book for the Aptos blockchain



Language:Move 86.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 11.7%Language:Python 0.9%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:TypeScript 0.0%