econia-labs / teach-yourself-move

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Teach yourself Move on Aptos


Don't forget

Everyone begins as a n00b, including the Econia developers. For example, here are 6 of the first 9 commits in the Econia repository:

* c34e9a4 Include jupyter notebook demo for tx tutorial
* 939080d Complete Move tutorial through step 1
* 38f997f Complete official Move tutorial
* 9d4f7b5 Add official Move tutorial through step 6
* 263cd8b Add move tutorial up to step 5, Magnus6.eth ep. 2
* 6c2b34d Add AssetCoin move module per official tutorial
* d8a2f96 Add interface tools per TestCoin transfer tutorial

If ever you get discouraged, just remember there is a vibrant open-source community out there willing to help you on your Move journey. We are all in this together, and Move is for everyone!

How to use this guide

This guide contains two major sections:

The Resources section contains a helpful list of various resources for your reference. The Recommended sequence section contains a recommended learning sequence that you can follow in order, which was put together by the Econia developers when they first began learning!







Recommended sequence

  • Items marked read are to be completed before the beginning of the next item, but may be begun before the prior item.
    • It may be easier to break up reading and start early, interspersing with tutorials.
  • When a tutorial is marked do, re-write all code.
    • Do not download sample code.
    • Do not copy-paste.
    • If necessary, running from within a provided repo is necessary as long as it is solely in the interest of duplicating behavior to be expected from the already re-written repo.
  • When an item is marked explore, consider the following:
    • Re-implement examples but with modifications.
    • Create your own new examples using the provided library/framework.
    • Read whatever seems interesting!


Feel free to clone this repo and check off items as you go!

    • explore the econia repository!

Thank you

To all of the open-source folks who came before us!
