yazid-k / 42Cursus

A diverse collection of coding challenges, exercises, and assignments completed as part of the 42 Paris School curriculum

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rank 00 :

libft : 125

Rank 01 :

get_next_line : 125
ft_printf : 100
born2beroot : 100

Rank 02 :

minitalk : 100
push_swap : 115
fract-ol : 121

Rank 03 :

minishell : 101
philosophers : 100

Rank 04 :

netpractice : 100
minirt : 100
cpp :
    00 : 98
    01 : 100
    02 : 100
    03 : 100
    04 : 100

Rank 05 :

ft_irc : 115
inception : 100
cpp :
    05 : 100
    06 : 100
    07 : 100
    08 : 100
    09 : 100

Rank 06 :

ft_transcendence : 110


A diverse collection of coding challenges, exercises, and assignments completed as part of the 42 Paris School curriculum


Language:C 61.4%Language:C++ 11.7%Language:Python 9.8%Language:JavaScript 6.3%Language:Roff 4.2%Language:HTML 2.8%Language:Makefile 2.8%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:CSS 0.2%Language:Perl 0.1%