yash786agg / SlidingBottomSheet

Bottom Sheet Behaviour Like Google Maps or Uber Application

Repository from Github https://github.comyash786agg/SlidingBottomSheetRepository from Github https://github.comyash786agg/SlidingBottomSheet


This app includes has a google map that shows the near-by events based on user current location which we are getting from LocationViewModel class. On particular POI selection application shows details which include the title, description and the list of images of those events. It also includes the feature to show directions in the form of Polyline between POI and user current location and if your current location is within the 5 km of the selected event than notification pop up with details.

Register your app on Google console with the same package name and insert MAP_API_kEY in keys.properties file to run the application.


Sliding Up

Languages, libraries and tools used

Above Features are used to make code simple, generic, understandable, clean and easily maintainable for future development. Especially Koin for dependency injection and Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous API call.


  • This class is also in Java as this class includes the code for Resizing map with sliding BottomSheet in Android. As Android’s BottomSheetBehavior doesn’t provide a middle state/ middle anchor. It only supports completely-expanded and completely-collapsed states.


  • Android Studio 3.5
  • Gradle version 3.5.1
  • Kotlin version 1.3.50
  • Android Device with USB Debugging Enabled

Built With

  • Android Studio - The Official IDE for Android
  • Kotlin - Language used to build the application
  • Gradle - Build tool for Android Studio