yang-han / P-reg

Rethinking Graph Regularization for Graph Neural Networks (AAAI2021)

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[AAAI2021] Rethinking Regularization for Graph Neural Networks

This is the source code to reproduce the experimental results for Rethinking Graph Regularization for Graph Neural Networks.

The code for graph-level experiments is in the ./graph_level/ sub-folder.



Code Description


The entry file. Load the datasets and models, train and evaluate the model.


The IConv is modified from the torch.geometric.nn.GCNConv, to implement the propagation of output, i.e., $\hat{A}Z$ in the paper.

Comparing to the original GCNConv, IConv removed the bias matrix, and replaced the weight matrix by an untrainable Identity matrix.


GCN, GAT and MLP are implemented in a standard way and provided in this file.

PREGGCN, PREGGAT and PREGMLP have an additional method propagation(), which is to further propagate the output of the vanilla GCN,GAT and MLP models.

A typical Propagation-regularization can be computed as:

        model.propagation(data.x, data.edge_index),
        model(data.x, data.edge_index),


soft_cross_entropy(), kl_div(), squared_error() are provided in phi.py as different $\phi$ functions.


LabelSmoothingLoss, confidence_penalty and laplacian_reg are provided in loss.py as baselines.


Some useful functions are implemented in this file.

generate_split() is used to generate the random splits for each dataset. And the generated splits we used in our experiments are in the ./splits/ folder.

Mask is the structure that random split are stored.

load_dataset(), load_split() are provided to load the datasets and random splits.

Reproducing Experimental Results

Random splits (in Table 1)

Passing --num_splits 5 to main.py means using the first 5 randomly generated splits provided in the ./splits/ folder. Set --mu 0 to use the vanilla models without P-reg.

datasets: ['cora', 'citeseer', 'pubmed', 'cs', 'physics', 'computers', 'photo']

The command to train and evaluate a model is:

python main.py --dataset $dataset --model $model --mu $mu --num_seeds $num_seeds --num_splits $num_splits

For example, experiments with GCN+P-reg (mu=0.5) on CORA dataset for 5 splits and 5 seeds for each split:

python main.py --dataset cora --model preggcn --mu 0.5 --num_seeds 5 --num_splits 5

For complete commands to run all experiments, please refer to random_run.sh.

Plantoid standard split (in Table 2)

Passing --num_splits 1 to main.py means using the standard split of the Plaintoid datasets. Set --mu 0 to use the vanilla models without P-reg.

models: ['PREGGCN', 'PREGGAT']
datasets: ['cora', 'citeseer', 'pubmed']

Commands to reproduce experimental results on CORA, CiteSeer and PubMed datasets:

# CORA GAT+P-reg mu=0.45 standard split 10 seeds
python main.py --num_splits 1 --num_seeds 10 --dataset cora --model preggat --mu 0.45
# CiteSeer GCN+P-reg mu=0.35 standard split 10 seeds
python main.py --num_splits 1 --num_seeds 10 --dataset citeseer --model preggcn --mu 0.35
# PubMed GCN+P-reg mu=0.15 standard split 10 seeds
python main.py --num_splits 1 --num_seeds 10 --dataset pubmed --model preggcn --mu 0.15


  1. --model PREGGCN --mu 0 means to use the vanilla GCN model. (Similarly, to use vanilla GAT and MLP, please set --mu 0.)
  2. --num_splits 1 means to use the standard split that is provided in the Plantoid dataset (CORA, CiteSeer and PubMed), while --num_splits 5 to main.py means using the first 5 randomly generated splits provided in the ./splits/ folder (for all 7 datasets).
  3. In main.py, replace the soft_cross_entropy with kl_div or squared_error (provided in phi.py) to experiment with different $phi$ functions.
  4. In main.py, replace the nll_loss to LabelSmoothingLoss (provided in loss.py) to experiment with Label Smoothing. Add confidence_penalty or laplacian_reg (provided in loss.py) to the original loss item to experiment with Confidence Penalty or Laplacian Regularizer.
  5. In our experiments, for GCN and MLP, we use hidden_size=64, while for GAT, we use hidden_size=16.
  6. In our experiments, for CORA, CiteSeer and PubMed, we use weight_decay=5e-4, while for CS, Physics, Computers and Photo, we use weight_decay=0. This is determined by the vanilla model performance.
  7. By default, the training is stopped with validation accuracy no longer increases for 200 epochs (patience=200).
  8. The code of other state-of-the-art methods is either from their corresponding official repository or pytoch-geometric benchmarking code. Details are attached below.
  9. The code for graph-level experiments is in the ./graph_level/ folder.


  author    = {Han Yang and Kaili Ma and James Cheng},
  title     = {Rethinking Graph Regularization for Graph Neural Networks},
  booktitle = {Thirty-Fifth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {AAAI}
               2021, Virtual Event, February 2-9, 2021},
  pages     = {4573--4581},
  year      = {2021}


Rethinking Graph Regularization for Graph Neural Networks (AAAI2021)



Language:Python 79.2%Language:Shell 20.8%