xzjia / lifeline-scraper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is archived. The up-to-date for this project is migrated to here.

What is this

This is a collection of scripts that collects data for lifeline project.

Common tasks

Set up

Setup local database for development

# Create a database at your psql session
#postgres=#CREATE DATABASE lifeline;

# Add the environment variable DATABASE_URL.
# You can do this manually, or use something like https://github.com/kennethreitz/autoenv
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@

Install pipenv

# On Mac
brew install pipenv

Note: It's possible that you will need to set up Locale on your Mac as discussed here. Add the following two lines in your shell RC file.

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Run the following to setup

pipenv install --dev # Install all the dependencies

pipenv shell # Spawns a shell within the virtualenv

alembic upgrade +3 # Run the Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language for label table
alembic upgrade head # Run the Data Manipulation Language for event table

And check your database's table to make sure date are correctly inserted.

How to make a new revision and put some data in migration?

pipenv shell # Spawns a shell within the virtualenv
alembic revision -m "${THE_REVISION_MESSAGE}" # This will create a new revision and a new file will be generated under alembic/versions

Edit the generated file so that it do the migration. Here are some useful information.

How to upgrade to the most up-to-date status?

Note: the revision in this repository has the following meaning.

  • First revision: 1e4b3e20e30d, create label table
  • Second revision: 1e4b3e20e30d, create event table
  • Third revision: c3ba36e57a09, insert into label table with data
  • All the following revision: insert into event table with data
pipenv shell
alembic upgrade head # Upgrade to the most recent one
alembic upgrade +1 # Upgrade one revision
alembic upgrade +2 # Upgrade two revisions

How to downgrade to the very beginning?

alembic downgrade -1 # Downgrade to one revision
alembic downgrade -2 # Downgrade to two revisions
alembic downgrade base # Downgrade to the very beginning, which is usually a fresh start

How to query the NYT API using this script

# At root directory
python nyt/main.py
# You will need to specify a date inside nyt/main.py to indicate which date's data you want.
# And currently, for unknown reasons, some date doesn't have date populated correctly.



Language:Python 99.0%Language:Mako 1.0%