xzjia / dejaview-scraper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's this

This is a project that scrape data from pre-defined data source, store them into a database, and store the raw json as files in an object storage. Serverless Framework is being used to deploy this to AWS, and it involves AWS S3 and RDS.

How to start

Setup AWS

  • You can use a local database instead of RDS to run the project, but you will need to have at least a S3 bucket if you want to store the json files there.
  • Run aws configure and setup the local develop environment.

Setup the PC

pipenv and python is necessary to run this project.

Make a new file called .env at the root of the project. The following keys are necessary for now.

  • AWS_PROFILE: The AWS profile will be used (if none, set it to default). You can also rely on serverless itself to manage aws profile.
  • BUCKET_NAME: The bucket name
  • DATABASE_URL: Where is the database
  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY: The API key used to query YOUTUBE information
  • NYT_API_KEYS: Valid NYT API keys separated by _. For example: onenytkeyabc_anothernytkeyabc

Setup the project

# The paper work: git clone and cd into the project

pipenv install --dev # Install all the dependencies

pipenv shell # Spawns a shell within the virtualenv

pipenv run python daily_collector.py

How to run

  • To run the function locally, do pipenv run python daily_collector.py and see the standard output for the results.
    • pipenv run will read in .env file into the process.
  • To run the function on AWS Lambda, you will need following things.
# Install serverless CLI
npm install serverless -g

# Install the plugin listed in package.json
npm install

# Deploy to AWS Lambda! Note sls is a shortcut for serverless
sls deploy

The interface for adding new datasource

  • Refer to the following code snippet for simple explanation.
  • Refer to NYT.py to see more details.
class XXX(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.label_name = 'XXX'
        self.target_date = # Assign this value to something that make sense
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(

        self.events = # Fill in this list with objects that collected from the data source.

    def already_same(self, existing_event, row):
        # This method tells the database should the row in database be considered the same or not
        # It returns a boolean indicating that whether `existing_event` is the same as `row`
        # existing_event is a ResultProxy object, while row is a Python dictionary

    def map_json_array_to_rows(self, json_array, label_id):
        # This methods maps json_array (aka: self.events) to a list of rows that Database knows how to handle.
        result = []
        for jsevt in json_array:
                    'timestamp': # pick/calculated the right field,
                    'title': # pick/calculated the right field,
                    'text': # pick/calculated the right field,
                    'link': # pick/calculated the right field,
                    'label_id': label_id,
                    'image_link': # pick/calculated the right field,
                    'media_link': # pick/calculated the right field
            except Exception as exception:
                self.logger.error('{}') # Some information that saying which part went wrong.
        return result

    def store_s3(self, s3_bucket):
        # Pick the right name for json files.
        if len(self.events) > 0:
                                                          self.format_date(self.target_date, with_hyphen=True))).put(Body=json.dumps(self.events, indent=2))
            self.logger.info('Successfully stored {} {} events into S3'.format(
                self.format_date(self.target_date), len(self.events)))
                '***** No data for {} so skipping... '.format(self.format_date(self.target_date)))

    def store_rds(self, db):
        # Get the label_id from the database
        label_id = db.get_label_id_from_name(self.label_name)

        # Prepare the rows that will be processed by Database
        rows = self.map_json_array_to_rows(self.events, label_id)

        # Delegate Database to handle the Persistance logic.
        # In the method call to db.store_rds, each row is inspected towards the database.
        # If there already something, check whether it is up to date based on the third argument(self.already_same).
        #   If what's in database is already up to date, ignore
        #   Otherwise update the database to the newest state
        # Otherwise insert the row into the database
        # And the function returns number of each actions it carried out.
        no_inserts, no_updates, no_notouch = db.store_rds(
            rows, label_id, self.already_same)
        self.logger.info('{} Total from json:{:>5} Inserted: {:>5} Updated: {:>5} Up-to-date: {:>5}'.format(



Language:Python 100.0%