xuyichen2010 / UGV-Navigation

Navigation stack for a UGV equipped with an Intel NUC, an encoder, a spatial and a GPS sensor.

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  1. Subscribe: none
  2. Publish: /ticks
  3. Publish information: position, relative_change, elaspsed_time from getTicks() method


  1. Subscribe: none
  2. Publish: /inertia
  3. Publish information: timeSecs, timeMicroSecs, sAccel, yAccel, zAccel, xAngular, yAngular, zAngular, xMagField, yMagField, zMagField from getInertia() method


  1. Subscribe: none
  2. Publish: /gps_data
  3. Publish information: fix_status, latitude, longitude, altitude, is_velocity_valid, velocity, is heading_valid, heading


  1. Subscribe: a. /ticks spatialCallback(): update the angularVelocity from zAngular b. /gps_data gpsCallback(): setup latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, and update position(0), position(1), position(2) respect to easting, northing, and heading, update the position using Kalman Filter by calling measurementUpdatePhase() c. /inertia encoderCallback(): calculate the velocity in m/s by relative_change/elaspsed_time
  2. Publish: a. /odom position.x(xPrime), position.y(yPrime), position.z(0.0), linear.x(velocity), angular.z(angularVelocity), orientation(calculated from thetaPrime)
  3. Information handling: a. timeUpdatePhase(): update current position i. setup variables, xCurr = position(0), yCurr = position(1), theta = positon(2) ii. calculate xPrime, yPrime, and thetaPrime:
  4. xPrime = xCurr + (velocity * dt * (cos(theta))
  5. yPrime = yCurr + (velocity * dt * (sin(theta))
  6. thetaPrime = theta + angularVelocity * dt; iii. update the current positon to xPrime, yPrime, thetaPrime b. measurementUpdatePhase(): computing Kalman Gain to update covariance and position(2) c. projectCovariance(): update covariance matrix prediction


  1. Subscribe: a. /odom odometryCallback(): get the xCurr(position.x) and yCurr(position.y), and calculate thetaCurr(this is same as theta in /odom) b. /start_command startCallback: check if data is “start” to start the program
  2. Publish: /converter_in, /cmd_vel a. /converter_in velocity(0.7), angle(angVel) b. /cmd_vel linear.x(velocity), angular.z(angVel)
  3. Information handling: a. sampleAndProjectControls(): try the best angVel with shortest distance to current point


  1. Subscribe: a. /converter_in targetsCallback(): get the vel(velocity) and ang(calculate from angle), then get drive_position and steering_position from convertToPulsewidth(), then publish them to /maestro_in b. /maestro_out pulsewidthCallback(): get the vel(drive_position) and ang(steering_position), then get velocity, angle, and currTime from convertFromPulsewidth(), then publish them to /converter_out c. /inertia imuCallback(): get zAngular and convert it to radian as currentOmega to calculate ang
  2. Publish: /maestro_in, /converter_out


  1. Subscribe: a. /maestro_in callback: set the drive_position and steering_position
  2. Publish: a. /maestro_outPublish information: drive_position, steering_position, currTime


Navigation stack for a UGV equipped with an Intel NUC, an encoder, a spatial and a GPS sensor.


Language:Makefile 66.5%Language:CMake 14.7%Language:C++ 10.1%Language:Python 5.1%Language:Common Lisp 2.2%Language:JavaScript 0.8%Language:NewLisp 0.2%Language:C 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%