xflicsu / GTExV6PRareVariation

Repository to reproduce analyses from the GTEx V6P Rare Variation Manuscript

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Repository to reproduce analyses from the GTEx V6P Rare Variation Manuscript

To run the code

Install the dependencies

R packages

  • cowplot
  • data.table
  • doMC
  • ggplot2
  • matrixStats
  • peer
  • plotrix
  • plyr
  • pROC
  • RColorBrewer
  • reshape2
  • scales

Python modules

  • numpy
  • pybedtools
  • pysam
  • scipy

Unix packages

  • GNU parallel
  • tabix

External software

  • bedtools v2.26.0 or later
  • vcftools
  • samtools
  • bwa

Download required files

Download from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz:

  • processed data directory (referred to below as <processed_data>)

Download from http://www.gtexportal.org/home/datasets:

  • gencode.v19.genes.v6p_model.patched_contigs.gtf.gz
  • GTEx_Analysis_v6p_RNA-seq_RNA-SeQCv1.1.8_gene_reads.gct.gz (gunzip it)
  • GTEx_Analysis_v6p_RNA-seq_RNA-SeQCv1.1.8_gene_rpkm.gct.gz (gunzip it)
  • GTEx_Analysis_v6p_RNA-seq_RNA-SeQCv1.1.8_gene_median_rpkm.gct (gunzip it)
  • the covariates used during eQTL discovery
  • the eGene and significant variant-gene associations based on permutations for each tissue (GTEx_Analysis_v6p_eQTL.tar on the portal)

Download from Gencode (http://www.gencodegenes.org/releases/19.html; Comprehensive gene annotation gtf):

  • gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz (gunzip it)

Download from dbGaP:
(It is possible some of the file names may be different in the final release.)

  • GTEx_Analysis_2015-01-12_WholeGenomeSeq_148Indiv_GATK_HaplotypeCaller.vcf.gz
  • ASE files
  • GTEx_Data_V6_Annotations_SampleAttributesDS.txt
  • GTEx_Analysis_2015-01-12_Annotations_SubjectPhenotypesDS.txt

Download from http://krishna.gs.washington.edu/download/CADD/v1.2/:

  • whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz
  • whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz.tbi
  • whole_genome_SNVs_inclAnno.tsv.gz
  • whole_genome_SNVs_inclAnno.tsv.gz.tbi

Download from ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/release/20130502/:

  • ALL.chr*.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz

Download from http://compbio.mit.edu/encode-motifs/:

  • matches.txt.gz

Download Epigenomics Roadmap files from http://www.broadinstitute.org/~meuleman/reg2map/HoneyBadger2_release/DNase/p2/:

  • prom/BED_files_per_sample/regions_prom_E*.bed
  • enh/BED_files_per_sample/regions_enh_E*.bed
  • dyadic/BED_files_per_sample/regions_dyadic_E*.bed

Download ExAC constraint data from ftp://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/ExAC_release/release0.3/functional_gene_constraint/:

  • forweb_cleaned_exac_r03_march16_z_data_pLI.txt

Download RNA-Seq data for K562 cell lines from ENCODE at https://www.encodeproject.org/search/?type=Experiment&biosample_term_name=K562&assay_title=RNA-seq

  • ENCFF104VTJ_CSHL_1.tsv
  • ENCFF201HGA_CSHL_2.tsv
  • ENCFF387ZRA_Caltech_1.tsv
  • ENCFF870QAL_Caltech_2.tsv
  • ENCFF553DDU_UConn_1.tsv
  • ENCFF811VBA_UConn_2.tsv
  • gencode.v24.tRNAs.gtf.gz

Download the hg19 human reference genome in FASTA format from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz. Combine FASTA files for each chromosome into a single reference FASTA.

Download VCFs from the UK10K dataset for two studies

Other files:

  • gtex.lumpy.gs.svscore.low_conf.vcf.gz (Obtained directly from the Hall Lab.)


The code relies on an assumed directory structure. Everything is under an upper level directory. If you are using the processed files available online, set this upper-level directory to be the path to <processed_data>.
Otherwise, set this to be any path where you want scripts to output.

Either run or add the following to your .bashrc (omit trailing slashes for all directories):

export RAREVARDIR=<the path to the upper-level directory>
export CADD_DIR=<the path to the CADD files>
export KG_DIR=<the path to the 1000 genomes files>
export ENCODE_MOTIF_DIR=<the path to matches.txt.gz (excluding the file name)>
export ER_DIR=<the path to the Epigenomics Roadmap directory (sub directories are prom, enh, and dyadic)>
export EXAC_DIR=<the path to forweb_cleaned_exac_r03_march16_z_data_pLI.txt (excluding the file name)>
export GTEXCISDIR=<the path to the eGene and significant variant-gene pairs for each tissue from the GTEx v6p release>
export HG19=<the path to the HG19 reference genome in FASTA format>
export PICARDPATH=<the path to the PICARD executable directory>

If you are going to run everything from scratch, first make the directories that are assumed to exist.
You can skip this step if you will use the processed data files downloaded from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.

mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/logs
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/PEER
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/reference
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/data
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/data/medz
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/data/singlez
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/data/metasoft
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/ACMG
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/ClinVar
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/GWAS
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/Orphanet
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/Other

These directories are required to hold the results of scripts for which we do not provide processed data.

mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/paper_figures
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/features/variantBeds
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/bams
mkdir ${RAREVARDIR}/data/K562

Then you can run the code below.
Some of the steps reproduce processed files available on https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz and are marked as such.


Expression data correction and normalization

Generates processed data that can be downloaded from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.

Generate rpkm and read count matrices from GTEx V6P combined file

cat <path to downloaded file>/GTEx_Data_V6_Annotations_SampleAttributesDS.txt | \
	cut -f1,14 | sed 's/ - /_/' | sed 's/ /_/g' | sed 's/(//' | sed 's/)//' | sed 's/c-1/c1/' | grep -v NA12878 > \

python preprocessing/split_by_tissues.py \
    --GTEX <path to downloaded file>/GTEx_Analysis_v6p_RNA-seq_RNA-SeQCv1.1.8_gene_rpkm.gct \
    --SAMPLE ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/gtex_2015-01-12_samples_tissues.txt \
    --OUT ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/PEER \
    --END .rpkm.txt <br>

python preprocessing/split_by_tissues.py \
    --GTEX <path to downloaded file>/GTEx_Analysis_v6p_RNA-seq_RNA-SeQCv1.1.8_gene_reads.gct \
    --SAMPLE ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/gtex_2015-1-12_samples_tissues.txt \
    --OUT ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/PEER \
    --END .reads.txt

Run bash scripts to generate PEER corrected data (includes non-EAs) with covariates removed

(Uses multiple cores. Currently set to 10 cores. Can be altered by changing the number of cores
specified by parallel --jobs 10 in the scripts preprocessing/PEER/calc.PEER.factors.all.tissues.sh and

bash preprocessing/PEER/PEER.pipeline.sh

Make list of individuals and tissues

bash preprocessing/get_tissue_by_individual.sh

Make flat files from raw RPKMs and PEER-corrected data for all tissues and individuals

python preprocessing/gather_filter_normalized_expression.py
python preprocessing/gather_filter_rpkm.py

Make list of expressed genes

cat preprocessing/PEER/*peer.ztrans.txt | cut -f1 | sort | uniq | grep -v Id > preprocessing/gtex.expressed.genes.txt

Make summary statistics for expressed genes

(Uses multiple cores. Can set the number at the top of the script. Currently set to 10 cores.)

Rscript preprocessing/rpkm.expression.analysis.R

Preparing reference files used later

Generates processed data that can be downloaded from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.

Copy or move the GTEx annotation file (gencode.v19.genes.v6p_model.patched_contigs.gtf.gz) to ${RAREVARDIR}/reference.

bash preprocessing/process.reference.files.sh <path to>/gencode.v19.genes.v6p_model.patched_contigs.gtf.gz <path to>/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf

(relies on pad.gtf.exons.py, gtf2TSS.sh, and gtf2genebed.sh)

Outlier calling

Generates processed data that can be downloaded from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.

Call multi-tissue outliers

(Uses 12 cores. Can set the number at the top of the script.)

Rscript call_outliers/call_outliers_medz.R

Call single-tissue outliers

python call_outliers/call_outliers_single_tissue.py

Compare single-tissue and multi-tissue outliers as well as get stats on each

Rscript call_outliers/compare_single_multi_outliers.R

Run replication for single-tissue and multi-tissue outliers

(The multi-tissue replication uses 12 cores. Can set the number at the top of the script.)

Rscript call_outliers/multi_tissue_replication.R
Rscript call_outliers/single_tissue_replication.R

Feature generation

Processing VCFs into bed files for each individual

bash feature_construction/vcf2bedfiles.sh \
	 <path to>/GTEx_Analysis_2015-01-12_WholeGenomeSeq_148Indiv_GATK_HaplotypeCaller.vcf.gz \
	 <path to>/gtex.lumpy.gs.svscore.low_conf.vcf.gz

(this script and some of its dependencies use multiple cores [set number at top of relevant scripts]; relies on :

  • vcf2bedfiles_helper_processVCF.sh
  • vcf2bedfiles_helper_processVCF_SV.sh
  • vcf2bedfiles_helper_processVCFtoolsOutput.sh
  • vcf2bedfiles_helper_processVCFtoolsOutput_CNV.sh
  • compileCADDscores.sh
  • extractCADDscores_ekt.py)

Extract features to be combined with the individual bed files

bash feature_construction/extract.1kg.AF.sh

(uses 15 cores, the number of which is set at the top of the script; relies on process.1kg.AF.py)

bash feature_construction/subset.CADD.features.sh

(uses 8 cores, set in the sort command)

bash feature_construction/TFBS_pipeline.sh

(relies on pouya.raw.summary.py)

bash feature_construction/ER_pipeline.sh

Add extracted features to individual bed files

bash run_add_features_variant_beds.sh

Important: Make sure to use bedtools version 2.26.0 or later. Memory leak in previous versions causes the memory for this script to blow up.
(uses 15+ cores. Set the number of processes at the top of the script. Relies on add_features_variant_beds.sh.)

Collapse site-level features created above into gene-level features

bash feature_construction/run_build_feature_count_summaries_all_genes.sh

(uses multiple cores; relies on :

  • build_count_summaries_all_genes.sh set number of processes at top of script
  • build_feature_summaries_all_genes.sh set number of processes at top of script
  • build_feature_set.py)

Compile features for outliers and controls

bash feature_construction/run_compile_features_outliers.sh

(uses up to 10 cores; relies on:

  • compile_features_outliers.sh set number of processes at top of script
  • compile_features_outliers_nothresh.sh
  • compile_features_outliers_singletissue.sh set number of processes at top of script
  • pick_outliers_controls_imbalanced.py)

Compute minor allele frequencies of rare variants segregating in GTEx using the UK10K dataset

bash feature_construction/calc.uk10k.freqs.sh

Disease gene annotations

We are providing the processed gene lists for the eight disease gene sets we analyzed for overlap with genes with multi-tissue outliers.
We are also providing, where applicable, the commands and raw files needed to generate these processed lists.


Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/acmg/
Raw file: acmg.csv
Download from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move the downloaded file to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/ACMG/.


Source: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/clinvar/gene_condition_source_id
Raw file: gene_condition_source_id
Download from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move the downloaded file to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/ClinVar/.


Source: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/
Raw file: gwas_catalog_v1.0-downloaded_2015-11-30.tsv
Download from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move the downloaded file to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/GWAS/.


Source: http://www.omim.org/
Raw files: morbidmap.txt and mim2gene.txt
Processed file: omim.genes.txt
Download the raw and processed files from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move these files to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/.

To produce the processed file from the raw files:

grep '(3)' ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/morbidmap.txt | cut -f2 | sed 's/, /\n/g' | sort | uniq > ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/omim.genes.temp.txt

grep -wf ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/omim.genes.temp.txt ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/mim2gene.txt  > ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/temp.mim2gene.intersection.txt

cut -f4,5 ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/temp.mim2gene.intersection.txt | sort | uniq > ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/omim.genes.txt

rm ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/omim.genes.temp.txt ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/OMIM/temp.mim2gene.intersection.txt


Source: http://www.orphadata.org/data/xml/en_product6.xml
Raw file: en_product6.xml
Processed file: orphanet.genes.txt
Download the raw and processed files from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move these files to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/Orphanet/.

To produce the processed file from the raw file:

grep ENSG ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/Orphanet/en_product6.xml | sort | uniq | grep -o 'ENSG[0-9]*' > ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/Orphanet/orphanet.genes.txt


Source: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/downloads
Raw file: DDG2P_2_8_2017.csv.gz
Download the raw file from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move this file to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/DDG2P/.

Other: Cardiovascular and Cancer disease genes

We assessed overlap of genes with multi-tissue outliers with two expert curated disease gene lists: one for heritable cancer predisposition and one for heritable cardiovascular disease. See the methods section of our manuscript for more information.
Raw files: cancer.genes.gold.standard.csv (Cancer), cardio.genes.gold.standard.csv (Cardio) Download the raw files from https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gtex-v6p-rare-variation-data/GTExV6PRareVariationData.tar.gz.
Move these files to ${RAREVARDIR}/features/annotations/Other/.

Shared eQTLs defined by METASOFT

Process the METASOFT results choosing the single best variant tested per gene as determined by P-value from the RE2 model.
Also provide summary statistics regarding the number of tissues the eQTL is active in and the expression level for the gene across tissues.

python shared.eqtls/bf.metasoft.py --META ${RAREVARDIR}/data/metasoft/Metasoft_Output_v6p.txt \
    --TISS ${RAREVARDIR}/data/metasoft/Metasoft_tissue_order.txt \
    --OUT ${RAREVARDIR}/data/metasoft/gtex.metasoft.v6p.selected.txt
Rscript shared.eqtls/metasoft.summary.R

Validation of large-effect rare variants using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing

Prioritize variants for validation with CRISPR

Rscript crispr/prioritize.for.crispr.R

Prune the list of prioritized CRISPR variants down to a manageable size (N ~ 12)

Rscript crispr/prune.crispr.variants.R

Add major/minor allele info

python crispr/add.major.minor.alleles.py --IN ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/crispr.overexpression.candidates.pruned.vcf \
    --OUT ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/crispr.overexpression.candidates.pruned.maf.alleles.vcf \
    --FRQ ${RAREVARDIR}/features/variantBeds/GTEx_Analysis_2015-01-12_WholeGenomeSeq_148Indiv_GATK_HaplotypeCaller_123EAonly_SNPs.frq

Extract 100 bp sequences from the hg19 reference centered on each variant position

if [ -e $out ]; then
    rm $out
positions=`tail -n +2 ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/crispr.candidates.pruned.vep.loftee.parsed.vcf | awk '{print "chr"$1":"$2-49"-"$2+49}'`
for line in $positions; do
    samtools faidx $ref $line >> $out

Generate donor sequences. One sequence for wild-type and one for rare allele.

python crispr/process.crispr.donor.seq.py \
    --VCF ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/crispr.candidates.pruned.vep.loftee.parsed.vcf \
    --FASTA ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/crispr.candidates.donor.seq.raw.fa \
    --OUT ${RAREVARDIR}/data/CRISPR/crispr.candidates.donor.seq.fa

Index the reference FASTA files for each amplicon region in the cDNA and gDNA

bwa index -p crispr/crispr.outlier.cdna.ref.fa crispr/crispr.outlier.cdna.ref.fa
bwa index -p crispr/crispr.control.cdna.ref.fa crispr/crispr.control.cdna.ref.fa
bwa index -p crispr/crispr.outlier.gdna.ref.fa crispr/crispr.outlier.gdna.ref.fa
bwa index -p crispr/crispr.control.gdna.ref.fa crispr/crispr.control.gdna.ref.fa

Perform mapping with BWA, sort and output to BAM format using samtools.
Uses 10 cores. This is set at the top of the script.

bash crispr/crispr.bwa.aln.sort.sh

Summarize the CRISPR results

R CMD BATCH --no-save crispr/summarize.crispr.results.R

Main figures

Figure 1

bash paper_figures/pick.cartoon.example.sh
Rscript paper_figures/figure1a.plot.cartoon.example.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure1b.outlier.sharing.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure1c.replication.rate.consistent.R

Figure 2

bash paper_figures/count_rarevars.sh
Rscript paper_figures/figure2a.count.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure2b.threshold.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure2c.ASE.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure2.R

Figure 3

Rscript paper_figures/figure3a.rare.variant.class.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure3b.feature.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure3de.outlier.effect.size.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure3.R

Figure 4

Rscript paper_figures/figure4a.uk10k.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure4b.exac.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure4c.gene.list.enrichments.R
Rscript paper_figures/figure4.R

Figure 5

Rscript getPosteriorsEval.R data/genomic_features.txt data/outliers.txt
Rscript paper_figures/figure5b.R
Rscript getPosteriorsApp.R data/genomic_features.txt data/outliers.txt data/postprobs_all.txt
Rscript paper_figures/figure5c.R

Supplemental figures

EDF 1 and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2

## Adjusted R-squared values between top 15 PEER factors and top 20 sample and subject covariates in skeletal muscle
Rscript paper_figures/muscle_covariates_peerfactors.R
Rscript paper_figures/superheat_peer_muscle.R /data/muscle_samples_covariates_peerFactors.RData muscle.sample.peer.pdf 0.7
Rscript paper_figures/superheat_peer_muscle.R /data/muscle_subject_covariates_peerFactors.RData muscle.subject.peer.pdf 0.7

## Adjusted R-squared values between the total expression component removed by PEER in each of 44 tissues and top 20 sample and subject covariates
Rscript paper_figures/pve_samples_pertiss.R
Rscript paper_figures/pve_subject_pertiss.R
Rscript paper_figures/process_results.R
Rscript paper_figures/superheat_expression.R /data/superheat.subject.RData rv.subject.expression.pdf 0.25
Rscript paper_figures/superheat_expression.R /data/superheat.sample.RData rv.sample.expression.pdf 0.2

## Improvement of rare variant enrichments at varying levels of PEER correction
#Generate expression residuals with the top 0 or 5 PEER factors removed in addition to sex and genotype PCs
bash preprocessing/PEER/calc_residuals_covs_peerless.sh ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/PEER 0
bash preprocessing/PEER/calc_residuals_covs_peerless.sh ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/PEER 5

# Generate flat files for these new PEER corrected datasets to use for outlier calling
python preprocessing/gather_filter_normalized_expression_peerless.py \
       ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/gtex_2015-01-12_tissues_all_normalized_samples.txt \
       ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/gtex_2015-01-12_individuals_all_normalized_samples.txt \
       .peer.top0.ztrans.txt \
python preprocessing/gather_filter_normalized_expression_peerless.py \
       ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/gtex_2015-01-12_tissues_all_normalized_samples.txt \
       ${RAREVARDIR}/preprocessing/gtex_2015-01-12_individuals_all_normalized_samples.txt \
       .peer.top5.ztrans.txt \

# Call Median Z-score outliers on data with top 0/5 PEER factors removed and compile features
R -f call_outliers/call_outliers_medz_peerless.R --slave --vanilla --args .peer.top0.txt
R -f call_outliers/call_outliers_medz_peerless.R --slave --vanilla --args .peer.top5.txt
bash feature_construction/run_compile_features_outliers_peerless.sh

Panel c is produced in paper_figures/figure2a.count.enrichments.R


You need to set the path to the subject annotations in the script below.

Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.number.outliers.per.individual.R


Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.single.replication.compare.multi.R


You need to set the path to the downloaded expression covariates and subject annotations in the script below.

Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.number.rare.vars.pca.R


Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.count.enrichments.R


Before running, set path to RNA-seq RPKMs in preprocessing/get_median_rpkms.R correctly.

Rscript preprocessing/get_median_rpkms.R
Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.over.under.expression.R


Rscript paper_figures/EDF7.R


Relies on the eGene and singificant variant-gene associations as downloaded for the GTEx v6p release from the portal.

bash paper_figures/annotate.variants.by.gene.sh 
Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.rare.var.counts.disease.genes.gtex.cohort.R
Rscript paper_figures/suppfig.egene.enrichment.R


Rscript paper_figures/main_RIVER_VaryingThrds.R
Rscript paper_figures/Generate_figures_RIVER_VaryingThrds.R
Rscript paper_figures/main_RIVER_10CV.R
Rscript paper_figures/EDF9c.R
Rscript paper_figures/EDF9d.R
Rscript paper_figures/EDF9e.R

EDF 10

Rscript paper_figures/EDF10bd.R
Rscript paper_figures/EDF10ef.rpkm.R
Rscript paper_figures/EDF10ef.Zscores.R

EDF 11

EDF11c is generated in crispr/summarize.crispr.results.R, run above.


Repository to reproduce analyses from the GTEx V6P Rare Variation Manuscript


Language:R 75.5%Language:Shell 14.5%Language:Python 9.9%