wtliu / fpga_ip

OscillatorIMP ecosystem FPGA IP sources

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In order to allow for pipelined processing of datastreams with no latency introduced by FIFOs or glue between blocks, dedicated custom interfaces have been introduced: real and complex numbers and associated control signals. These interfaces are of varying, user defined, bit width. A complex number is two real numbers processed in parallel.

Data structure

OscillatorIMP ecosystem FPGA IP sources: see the dedicated tool for generating such information.

Block name Function Input(s) Output(s) Parameter(s) Driver Library function(s) (liboscimp)
ad9767 Redpitaya DAC (obsolete: see redpitaya_converters) dataA_in,dataB_in none none none
add_constComplex Add a constant to complex value stream data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(18) add_const add_const_set_offset, add_const_get_offset, add_constMulti_set_offset
add_constReal Add a constant to real value stream data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(18) add_const add_const_set_offset, add_const_get_offset, add_constMulti_set_offset
adder_substracter_complex Sum or difference of complex values data1_i, data2_i data_o DATA_SIZE(16) none none
adder_substracter_real Sum or difference of real values data1_i, data2_i data_o DATA_SIZE(16) none none
axiStreamToComplex Xilinx AXI Stream to complex stream s00_axis, s00_axis_reset, s00_axis_aclk data_out DATA_SIZE(32) none none
axiStreamToReal Xilinx AXI Stream to real stream s00_axis, s00_axis_reset, s00_axis_aclk data_out DATA_SIZE(32) none none
axi_deltaSigma Slow DAC output (Sigma-Delta) TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO
axi_to_dac AXI value to DAC none dataA_out, dataB_out DATA_SIZE(14) axi_to_dac axi_to_dac_full_conf
cacode GPS Gold Code generator (outputs 31 codes in parallel -- select using slv_to_sl (std logic vector to std logic) clk, reset, tick_i gold_code_o PERIOD_LEN none none
convertComplexToReal Complex -> real values data_in dataI_out,dataQ_out DATA_SIZE(8) none none
convertRealToComplex Real -> complex values dataI_in,dataQ_in data_out DATA_SIZE(8) none
cordicAtan Atan2(Q,I) data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(32), DATA_OUT_SIZE(28), NB_ITER(25), PI_VALUE(pi x 2^(NB_ITER-1)) none
dataComplex_to_ram PL to PS transfer (complex values) dataN_in none DATA_SIZE(32), NB_INPUT(12), NB_SAMPLE(1024) data_to_ram
dataReal_to_ram PL to PS transfer (real values) dataN_in none DATA_SIZE(32), NB_INPUT(12), NB_SAMPLE(1024) data_to_ram
delayTempoReal_axi Delays the real stream by a given number of clock cycles data_in data_out DATA_SIZE(16), MAX_NB_DELAY(6), DEFAULT_DELAY(0) none none
dupplReal_1_to_2 Splits a real value stream data_in data1_out,data2_out DATA_SIZE(8) none
dupplComplex_1_to_2 Splits a complex value stream data_in data1_out,data2_out DATA_SIZE(8) none
expanderComplex Add Most Significant Bits (complex) data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(16) none
expanderReal Add Most Significant Bits (real value) data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(16) none
fft Cordic based Fast Fourier Transform data_in data_out LOG_2_N_FFT(11), SHIFT_VAL(16), DATA_SIZE(32), DATA_IN_SIZE(16), USE_FIRST_BUFF(true), USE_SEC_BUFF(true), USE_EOF(false) fft fft_send_conf
firReal Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter with real coefficients provided from the processor, applied to real input stream data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), NB_COEFF(128), DECIMATE_FACTOR(32), DATA_OUT_SIZE(32), COEFF_SIZE(16) fir
ltc2145 Redpitaya ADC (obsolete: see redpitaya_converters) none dataA_out,dataB_out none none
meanComplex outputs the mean value of the complex valued input stream data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(18), NB_ACCUM(8), SHIFT(3), SIGNED_FORMAT(true) none none
meanReal outputs the mean value of the real valued input stream data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(18), NB_ACCUM(8), SHIFT(3), SIGNED_FORMAT(true) none none
mean_vector_axi Average complex input stream (ADDR_SIZE=burst length) data_in data_out DATA_SIZE(14),MAX_NB_ACCUM(1024),ADDR_SIZE(10)
mixer_sin mixer data_in,nco_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(16), DATA_OUT_SIZE(16), NCO_SIZE(16) none
nco_counter NCO (sine & square = complex values) none sine_out, square_out COUNTER_SIZE(28), DATA_SIZE(16) nco_counter nco_counter_send_conf
prn20b 20-bit pseudo random number sequence (LFSR) none ref_clk_i, ref_rst_i, prn_full_o, bit_o DFLT_PRESC(15), PRESC_SIZE(16) none none
redpitaya_adc_dac_clk Repitaya clock distribution (ADC & DAC) none none none none
redpitaya_converters Redpitaya ADC/DAC converters dataA_in, dataB_in dataA_out, dataB_out ADC_EN(true), DAC_EN(true), ADC_SIZE(14) none none
redpitaya_converters_12 Redpitaya ADC/DAC converters for SignalLab dataA_in, dataB_in dataA_out, dataB_out ADC_EN(true), DAC_EN(true) redpitaya_converters_12 redpitaya_converters_12_spi_conf, redpitaya_converters_12_ext_ref_enable, redpitaya_converters_12_get_ref_status
shifterReal Bit shift (real values) data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(32), DATA_OUT_SIZE(16) none
shifterComplex Bit shift (complex values) data_in data_out DATA_IN_SIZE(32), DATA_OUT_SIZE(16) none
switchComplex Complex stream multiplexer data1_in,data2_in data_out DATA_SIZE(16),DEFAULT_INPUT(0) switch switch_conf
switchReal Real stream multiplexer data1_in,data2_in data_out DATA_SIZE(16),DEFAULT_INPUT(0) switch switch_conf
windowReal Multiply a value stream by a time window data_in data_out DATA_SIZE(32), COEFF_ADDR_SIZE(8), COEFF_SIZE(16) fir fir_send_conf

For the pulse RADAR application:

Block name Function Input(s) Output(s) Parameter(s) Driver Library function(s) (liboscimp)

For the pulse PlutoSDR demonstration and audio output/sigma-delta DAC with DC component output in general:

Block name Function Input(s) Output(s) Parameter(s) Driver Library function(s) (liboscimp)


OscillatorIMP ecosystem FPGA IP sources


Language:VHDL 78.9%Language:Tcl 15.5%Language:Python 1.6%Language:Makefile 1.4%Language:C 1.3%Language:Verilog 1.0%Language:MATLAB 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Vim Script 0.0%