worasuch / online-locomotion-rl

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Neural Control and Online Learning for Robust Locomotion of Legged Robots

This contains the CPG-RBFN and PIBB learning as well as the framework for working using IsaacGym. Example indirect learning: Indirect learning

This version contains a stable learning for the minicheeta robot and contains the B1 model.


System Requirements

This code has been tested with the following hardware and software:

  • Intel® Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz × 16
  • GeForce RTX 2080
  • Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
  • Isaac Gym Preview 4
  • Python 3.10.6

Code overview

This structure may change in the future.

The following explains the content of the seven main directories:

  • cache_init_values: Contains cache values created by the program. In this version, these values are the initial values for the weights in the neural networks.
  • configs: Contains the .json files for setting up the different URDF. They set up, for instance, the default joint configuration as well as Kd and Kp constants.
  • isaacGymConfig: Contains all the ncessary code for setting up IsaacGym simuulation as well as the configuration of the rewards.
  • learningAlgorithm: Contains the learning algorithms. In this version we have the PI^BB learning algorithm.
  • models: Contains all the URDF models.
  • modules: Contains the code for implementing CPG-RBFN as well as the code for logging the progress of the robot during its training.
  • runs: COntains the data from the runnings. The configuration of the training is saved as well. There are two examples (one using direct learning and the other using direct learning).


Before installing this repo make sure to have the correct drives for your graphic card and check the system requirements for IsaacGym.

  1. Make sure to have installed pytorch with cuda. In this project pytorch 1.10 with cuda-11.3 has been used:
pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu113 torchvision==0.11.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html
  1. Download and install Isaac Gym Preview 4 from its official page. Registration is needed.
  2. Unzip the file via:
tar -xf IsaacGym_Preview_4.tar.gz
  1. Install the python package:
cd isaacgym/python && pip install -e .
  1. Verify the installation by running an example:
cd examples && python3 1080_balls_of_solitude.py
  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/DFdz26/online-locomotion-rl

Run the controller with learned weights

Run learning algorithm

The learning is made using the locomotion_learning.py file. There are some parameters than can be modify. Among these paraeters we can do:

  • Decide either saving the generated data by the training switching the value SAVE_DATA to be True or False.
  • Loading the cache values for the weights in the NN switching the value of LOAD_CACHE True or False.
  • Selecting the robot chaning the config_file to the desired one.
  • Decide if the training will be direct or indirect learning changing the variable "encoding".
  • Modify the reward weight and hyperparameters using reward_list.
  • Modify the hyperparameters for the learning algoithm.

In order to start the training:

sudo python3 locomotion_learning.py


All software is available under the GPL-3 license.

License: GPL v3


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%