wh200720041 / floam

Fast LOAM: Fast and Optimized Lidar Odometry And Mapping for indoor/outdoor localization IROS 2021

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Time used in odom_estimation_node is increased as the program is run.

yumingdong opened this issue · comments

I have play the VLP-16 lidar's rosbag file, At begin time used in ms is about 50ms, but as the bagfile is played, the time used can increased to 150ms. And the program used about 100% cpu, memory consumption is also increasing. When the rosbag file is played out, the odom estimation node is also running.

I also encountered this issue, but I was running on ubuntu 16.04, and I don't know if it is related to the ros version.

@yumingdong and @CQUlifuling : did either of you ever resolve this issue or at least understand the cause? I am seeing the same behaviour with my system (ROS Melodic/Ubuntu 18.04)