wenzaca / YourTaxi

YourTaxi Applicant Test Service - Junit, Sonarqube, Jacoco, MockMvc, Mockito, AssertJ, Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, TravisCI, Cache

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Backend Applicant Test Service

Task Description

You should be able to start the example application by executing com.yourtaxi.YourTaxiServerApplicantTestApplication, which starts a webserver on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080) and serves SwaggerUI where can inspect and try existing endpoints.

The project is based on a small web service which uses the following technologies:

  • Java 1.8
  • Spring MVC with Spring Boot
  • Database H2 (In-Memory)
  • Maven
  • Swagger
  • Intellij as IDE is preferred but not mandatory. We do provide code formatter for intellij and eclipse in the etc folder.
  • Spring Cloud with Hystrix and Eureka
  • Test and code quality
    • Junit
    • Sonarqube
    • Jacoco
    • MockMvc
    • Mockito
    • AssertJ
  • TravisCI
  • Docker
  • Cache
  • Spring Security

How To RUN

The application dependencies are controlled by Maven the using the following command the application will be starter

mvn spring-boot:run


To run sonarqube use the following command with sonarqube server running, for further information check SonarQube-Website

mvn clean install sonar:sonar

Swagger UI - Local


Eureka Client


Spring Security

This project uses Basic Auth as authentication the username and password are:

  • username: admin
  • password: yourTaxitatus


The data is a Create type, so every time the Application run it resets the persisted Data. It is a in memory database. For more information see H2-Website

Rest API

The application has two main controller one for Drivers and other for Cars.


The Drivers Controller has a filter for some characteristic like:

  • coordinate:lat^long -> coordinate:10^10
  • status:ONLINE or status:OFFLINE
  • username:username
  • car.id:1
  • car.engineType:GAS
  • car.manufacturer:BMW
  • car.rating:5, car.rating>3 or car.rating<4
  • car.seatCount:5, car.seatCount>3 or car.seatCount<4

To access this url just hit the endpoint below (this is and example)


Entities information

Car Engine Type

For the engine there is 6 type:

  • GAS,

Car Seat Count

The value must be greater than 2 and lower than 9

Car rating

The value must be greater or equals 0 and lower or equals 5

Project Request

You should be aware of the following conventions while you are working on this exercise:

  • All new entities should have an ID with type of Long and a date_created with type of ZonedDateTime.
  • The architecture of the web service is built with the following components:
    • DataTransferObjects: Objects which are used for outside communication via the API
    • Controller: Implements the processing logic of the web service, parsing of parameters and validation of in- and outputs.
    • Service: Implements the business logic and handles the access to the DataAccessObjects.
    • DataAccessObjects: Interface for the database. Inserts, updates, deletes and reads objects from the database.
    • DomainObjects: Functional Objects which might be persisted in the database.
  • TestDrivenDevelopment is a good choice, but it's up to you how you are testing your code.

You should commit into your local git repository and include the commit history into the final result.

Task 1

  • Write a new Controller for maintaining cars (CRUD).
    • Decide on your own how the methods should look like.
    • Entity Car: Should have at least the following characteristics: license_plate, seat_count, convertible, rating, engine_type (electric, gas, ...)
    • Entity Manufacturer: Decide on your own if you will use a new table or just a string column in the car table.
  • Extend the DriverController to enable drivers to select a car they are driving with.
  • Extend the DriverController to enable drivers to deselect a car.
  • Extend the DriverDo to map the selected car to the driver.
  • Add example data to resources/data.sql

Task 2

First come first serve: A car can be selected by exactly one ONLINE Driver. If a second driver tries to select a already used car you should throw a CarAlreadyInUseException.

Task 3

Make use of the filter pattern to implement an endpoint in the DriverController to get a list of drivers with specific characteristics. Reuse the characteristics you implemented in task 1.

Task 4

Security: secure the API. It's up to you how you are going to implement the security.


YourTaxi Applicant Test Service - Junit, Sonarqube, Jacoco, MockMvc, Mockito, AssertJ, Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, TravisCI, Cache


Language:Java 100.0%