There are 1 repository under travisci topic.
React, but with built-in global state management.
React Hook for pub-sub behavior using React Router.
A React hook compatible with React 16.6's Suspense component.
React Hook for reading from and writing to the user's clipboard.
A template for maintaining a multiple environments infrastructure with Terraform. This template includes a CI/CD process, that applies the infrastructure in an AWS account.
An implementation of Quicksort in JavaScript/TypeScript.
Returns the innerText of a React JSX object.
🏃🏻♂️ My superfast personal SPA blog/site using Vuejs and Nuxt :D
C/C++ example project for CI testing with Github Actions or Travis CI + build badges
Just to learn how to use travis-ci in a java project!
Telegram bot, which will notify you each time, when your travis ci build is done.
Telegram bot that searches Podcast in iTunes store.
Fetches using standardized, four-part asynchronous actions for redux-thunk.
Composer integration for PHP applications to install the Phalcon framework as an extension in the PHP runtime for various hosted CI services including TravisCI, CircleCI, ScrutinizerCI, Shippable and Codeship.
Manage multiple React 16 contexts with a single component.
Playing around with configuring Travis CI for a monorepo
Integration between DockerHub and TravisCI to build docker images for multiple zsh versions
Let your Travis CI wait for the Netlify build preview
An implementation of React Native's WebView that allows for postMessage on iOS devices.
A feature complete API client for Travis CI API Version 3
Konami.js is an ES6 JavaScript instance that allows web developers to implement the Konami code on their web pages. By pressing up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Enter, one or more custom JavaScript functions will execute.
A React component mimicking the Pluralsight Score IQ graph.
Generates rainbow-colored text in React.
Integra Vendas
Dynamically build Microsoft SQL Server queries using JavaScript.
A sleek portfolio design created in React.
Design and implement a RESTful API (including data model and the backing implementation) for money transfers between accounts. The Spring Framework here is not allowed.
A travis config that can be used to send Telegram messages on new builds
A pub-sub alternative HOC to react-router's withRouter HOC.
Automated Ansible Role Tester
Create React tooltips similar to those used by Material-UI.
Simple Ext JS Web Application EB Config