wemmm / My-CV

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I am a creative, committed front end developer based in Manchester. Having fulfilled my academic goals and worked in a diverse range of jobs, coding appealed to my creativity and eagerness to learn. I applied to study at the Makers Academy bootcamp, and spent twelve intense weeks pushing myself to produce clear, readable code. Since then I've worked for a variety of tech companies, from consultancy to startup. I care deeply about making things- whether it's code or artwork or just a cup of coffee, and I am looking to progress my career as a front end developer.


bufferbuffer Title Timeframe What is it?
hauntedflat Concordia Jones Ongoing A visual novel in Ren'Py/Python. A lengthy hobby project, and an attempt to bring together artwork, writing and programming.
hauntedflat The Haunted Flat 3 weeks A text-based adventure game that I worked on in my free time. Uses JavaScript, Node.js, npm-text-adventure and a hefty dose of Russian literature.
rememberall RememberAll 2 weeks A phone app for iOS and Android designed to help you remember people you meet. Made with React Native and Realm, and tested with Jest, Chai and Cavy.
mindmapp Mind Mapp 1 week An interactive mind map web app in JavaScript, Node.js and HTML5 Canvas. Tested with Zombie, Mocha, Chai and Supertest.
mindmapp Vaporgram 1 weekend An instagram-like site in Rails, with an... interesting aesthetic. RSpec & Capybara used for testing.
chohan Chō Han Bakuchi 2 weeks A traditional Japanese dice game to help me brush up on JavaScript after one week spent learning it- and to improve my refactoring skills. Tested with Jasmine.
rps Rock Paper Scissors 1 week Play Rock, Paper Scissors in Sinatra and Ruby! Tested with RSpec & Capybara.



  • I value clear, honest communication and open feedback.
  • I have worked in a broad variety of client-facing roles and strive to be polite, cheerful and helpful.
  • I am committed to Agile practices such as face-to-face communication, continuous delivery, collaboration and self-organisation.


  • I am an experienced user of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign thanks to my background in art and design.
  • I have obtained my BA and MA in Illustration and Contemporary Art Theory respectively. I always strive to use my creative perspective when approaching challenges.
  • I enjoy putting my skills to use with front end technologies and UI/UX design.


  • I have worked as part of a team throughout my professional life, from small, close-knit groups to exhibition teams of over forty people, and I enjoy contributing and collaborating to achieve goals and complete projects.
  • I have experience of pair programming and project groups, and worked in pairs and groups during my time at Makers Academy, and as part of agile teams in a professional capacity.


Makers Academy (Graduated August 2017)

  • Active and independent learning
  • Problem solving
  • Language agnosticism
  • OOP
  • Version control via GitHub
  • Commitment to TDD
  • Clean, readable, maintainable code
  • Software Craftsmanship
  • Ruby, Rails, JavaScript & jQuery, Node.js, CSS3
  • RSpec, Jasmine, Mocha, Capybara, Zombie.

Goldsmiths (September 2013 to July 2015)

  • MA Contemporary Art Theory (Distinction)

University of Portsmouth (September 2009 to July 2012)

  • BA(Hons) Illustration
  • 2:1


Cinch (October 2022 to present)
Front end engineer
I currently work on Cinch's Design System Squad to produce accessible, well-tested and easy-to-use components for use across the organisation. I also write documentation and blog articles advocating for design systems and best practices. We work with TypeScript, React, Next.js, Storybook, Jest, React Testing Library, Vanilla Extract and CSS.

Dept Agency (April 2022 to October 2022)
Front end engineer
As part of a large, fast-paced digital agency, I built components and pages from Figma designs for various clients using React, Typescript and Styled Components; wrote tests with React Testing Library and provided support to other front end developers.

Capsule CRM (September 2019 to April 2022)
Front end engineer
I maintained and extended a CRM platform with many users around the world. I built components and views based on Figma designs, wrote tests, and investigated issues raised by our support team. I also led the front end development of our Outlook add-in, a React application that allows users to store emails against CRM contacts from inside their email client.

DataSine (January 2018 to September 2019)
Front end engineer
I worked on the front end of DataSine's machine learning & psychology platform as part of an agile tech team within a fast-paced startup. I used React.js, Redux & ES6 to develop and maintain frontends; wrote tests using Nightwatch, Jest and Enzyme; and built up user interfaces from Sketch and Figma designs.

Tata Consultancy Services (August 2017 to January 2018)
Assistant systems engineer
I worked as part of a close-knit, diverse team to create innovative apps and prototypes for clients. We were tech agnostic and worked in a broad variety of frameworks and languages: Python, Flask, Ruby, RoR, JavaScript, Node.js and React.

Artist/Designer (2012 to 2017)
Freelance artist/designer
I created print and web graphics for a variety of clients, and also my own intaglio print work.


When I'm not coding, you can find me:

  • Gaming
  • Messing about in Unity
  • Trying to run
  • Drinking damn fine coffee
  • Reading
  • Assembling mechanical keyboards
  • Knitting, sewing, cross stitching
