wemmm / instagram-challenge

v a p o r g r a m

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Instagram Challenge

aka V A P O R G R A M

 __  __     __     _____     ___   _ __    __   _ __    __      ___ ___    
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                     \ \_\                 /\____/                         
                      \/_/                 \_/__/     

            the sound of shining optimism that's faded over time

What it is

An attempt to recreate Instagram using Ruby on Rails, except it burns your retinas.

How Can I Use This

Clone this repository to your local machine and navigate to it via the command line.

bundle install rails s

Then visit localhost:3000/users/new in your browser!

News and Such

4/6- Now has a rudimentary comment system! Images are also changed to a uniform width when uploaded.

Comment System

My approach

I spent a lot of my first day of this trying to get Rails set up with all the appropriate gems. After a few false starts, I decided to go with making the User model first, and got a login/signup/encrypted password situation going. I also started playing around with SASS very early on as I took recreational styling breaks pretty much every time I committed.

Early Vaporgram

The above shows the first semi presentable version, with no functions other than signing up and logging in. I also added a log out functionality because probably nobody wants to be logged in permanently, then I started to add the Post model.

I found the Post model a lot harder to work with for a few reasons: firstly, it depended on the User model and secondly I was using sqlite3 rather than my usual postgresql. After an extremely long time spent trying to get posts added to the database, I then had to make sure that the carrierwave gem was installed properly, and eventually figured out how to get pictures to appear.

Mid Vaporgram

Then I made it look even worse.

Late Vaporgram


  • I have not implemeted likes or filters yet. This is something I would like to look at in future, especially the filters as I've not done anything like that before.

  • Controller tests.

  • I am quite happy with my progress on this one! It's pretty solid so I think extending the code to add some or all of these features is pretty doable.

  • Web deployment!

Do I Understand Rails?

Much, much better than I did two days ago.

User Stories

Here are the user stories I generated before starting work on the project:

As a user,
so that I can share my photos with the strangers of the internet,
I would like to be able to upload and display a photo.
As a user,
So that I can look at other users' photos,
I would like to be able to see a feed of uploaded images.
As a user,
So that I can post photos and comments as me,
I would like to be able to sign up for an account.
As a user,
So that I can impose my opinions on a wide audience,
I would like to be able to comment on photos.
As a user,
So that I do not have to actually type to signal my approval,
I would like to be able to 'like' a photo.
As a user who has done something regrettable,
So that I can hope the internet will forget,
I would like to be able to edit and delete posts.
As a user with excellent taste,
So that I can enjoy a brightly coloured and fancy experience,
I would like to use an exquisitely styled website.
As a whimsical user,
So that my photos are less reflective of reality,
I would like the choice to add a filter to my photos.

Known Issues

  • Questionable a e s t h e t i c
  • Currently incompatible with Heroku due to sqlite3
  • CSS is a bit glitchy but perhaps that is a feature?


v a p o r g r a m


Language:Ruby 74.5%Language:HTML 15.7%Language:CSS 6.3%Language:JavaScript 2.0%Language:CoffeeScript 1.5%