volfpeter / fastapi-motor-oil

Collection of async utilities for working with MongoDB and conveniently creating performant APIs with async web frameworks such a FastAPI

Home Page:https://volfpeter.github.io/fastapi-motor-oil/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is deprecated and replaced by motorhead, adding Pydantic v2 support along with a couple of smaller improvements. Please create an issue if you need help with the migration.

FastAPI-motor-oil is a collection of async utilities for working with MongoDB and conveniently creating performant APIs with async web frameworks such a FastAPI.

Key features:

  • Database model design with Pydantic.
  • Relationship support and validation using async validators and delete rules with a declarative, decorator-based syntax.
  • Declarative index specification.
  • Typed utilities for convenient model and API creation.
  • Ready to use, customizable async service layer with transaction support that integrates all the above to keep your API and business logic clean, flexible, and easy to understand.

By providing a convenient, declarative middle layer between MongoDB and your API, FastAPI-motor-oil is halfway between an object document mapper (based on Pydantic) and a database driver (by wrapping the official, async motor driver).

See the full documentation here.


The library is available on PyPI and can be installed with:

$ pip install fastapi-motor-oil



  • MongoDB (e.g. the Community Edition) installed and running locally;
  • fastapi with all its dependencies (pip install fastapi[all]);
  • This library (pip install fastapi-motor-oil).

In this example we will create:

  • a simple TreeNode document model with a name and an optional reference to a parent node and some delete rules;
  • the services that are necessary to create, read, update, and delete documents;
  • a fastapi APIRouter factory that can be included in fastapi applications;
  • and the fastapi application itself.

The project layout under your root directory will be as follows:

  • /tree_app
    • __init__.py
    • api.py
    • main.py
    • model.py
    • service.py

Model definitions (in model.py):

from fastapi_motor_oil import DocumentModel, StrObjectId, UTCDatetime
from pydantic import BaseModel

class TreeNode(DocumentModel):
    Tree node document model.

    name: str
    parent: StrObjectId | None
    created_at: UTCDatetime

class TreeNodeCreate(BaseModel):
    Tree node creation model.

    name: str
    parent: StrObjectId | None

class TreeNodeUpdate(BaseModel):
    Tree node update model.

    name: str | None
    parent: StrObjectId | None

Service implementation (in service.py):

from typing import Any
from collections.abc import Sequence
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from bson import ObjectId
from fastapi_motor_oil import (
from motor.core import AgnosticClientSession

from .model import TreeNodeCreate, TreeNodeUpdate

class TreeNodeService(MongoService[TreeNodeCreate, TreeNodeUpdate]):
    Tree node database services.

    __slots__ = ()

    collection_name: str = "tree_nodes"

    collection_options: CollectionOptions | None = None

    @delete_rule("pre")  # Delete rule that remove the subtrees of deleted nodes.
    async def dr_delete_subtree(
        self, session: AgnosticClientSession, ids: Sequence[ObjectId]
    ) -> None:
        child_ids = await self.find_ids({"parent": {"$in": ids}}, session=session)
        if len(child_ids) > 0:
            # Recursion
            await self.delete_many(
                {"_id": {"$in": child_ids}}, options={"session": session}

    @delete_rule("deny")  # Delete rule that prevents the removal of root nodes.
    async def dr_deny_if_root(
        self, session: AgnosticClientSession, ids: Sequence[ObjectId]
    ) -> None:
        root_cnt = await self.count_documents(
            {"$and": [{"_id": {"$in": ids}}, {"parent": None}]},
            options={"session": session},
        if root_cnt > 0:
            raise ValueError("Can not delete root nodes.")

    async def v_parent_valid(
        self, query: MongoQuery | None, data: TreeNodeCreate | TreeNodeUpdate
    ) -> None:
        if data.parent is None:  # No parent node is always fine

        if not await self.exists(data.parent):  # Parent must exist.
            raise ValueError("Parent does not exist.")

        if isinstance(data, TreeNodeCreate):  # No more checks during creation.

        matched_ids = (
            (await self.find_ids(query)) if isinstance(data, TreeNodeUpdate) else []
        if data.parent in matched_ids:  # Self reference is forbidden.
            raise ValueError("Self-reference.")

    async def _convert_for_insert(self, data: TreeNodeCreate) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return {
            **(await super()._convert_for_insert(data)),
            "created_at": datetime.now(timezone.utc),

Routing implementation (in api.py):

from typing import Any

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, status
from fastapi_motor_oil import (

from .model import TreeNode, TreeNodeCreate, TreeNodeUpdate
from .service import TreeNodeService

def make_api(
    get_database: DatabaseProvider,
    prefix: str = "/tree-node",
) -> APIRouter:
    Tree node `APIRouter` factory.

        get_database: FastAPI dependency that returns the `AgnosticDatabase`
                      database instance for the API.
        prefix: The prefix for the created `APIRouter`.

        The created `APIRouter` instance.
    api = APIRouter(prefix=prefix)

    @api.get("/", response_model=list[TreeNode])
    async def get_all(
        database: AgnosticDatabase = Depends(get_database),
    ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        svc = TreeNodeService(database)
        return [d async for d in svc.find()]

    @api.post("/", response_model=TreeNode)
    async def create(
        data: TreeNodeCreate,
        database: AgnosticDatabase = Depends(get_database),
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        svc = TreeNodeService(database)

            result = await svc.insert_one(data)
        except Exception:
            raise HTTPException(
                status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail="Creation failed."

        if (created := await svc.get_by_id(result.inserted_id)) is not None:
            return created

        raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT)

    @api.get("/{id}", response_model=TreeNode)
    async def get_by_id(
        id: StrObjectId,
        database: AgnosticDatabase = Depends(get_database),
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        svc = TreeNodeService(database)
        if (result := await svc.get_by_id(id)) is not None:
            return result

        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=str(id))

    @api.put("/{id}", response_model=TreeNode)
    async def update_by_id(
        id: StrObjectId,
        data: TreeNodeUpdate,
        database: AgnosticDatabase = Depends(get_database),
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        svc = TreeNodeService(database)

            result = await svc.update_by_id(id, data)
        except Exception:
            raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail=str(id))

        if result.matched_count == 0:
            raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=str(id))

        if (updated := await svc.get_by_id(id)) is not None:
            return updated

        raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=str(id))

    @api.delete("/{id}", response_model=DeleteResultModel)
    async def delete_by_id(
        id: StrObjectId,
        database: AgnosticDatabase = Depends(get_database),
    ) -> DeleteResultModel:
        svc = TreeNodeService(database)
            result = await svc.delete_by_id(id)
        except DeleteError:
            raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail=str(id))
        if result.deleted_count == 0:
            raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=str(id))

        return DeleteResultModel(delete_count=result.deleted_count)

    return api

Application (in main.py):

from functools import lru_cache

from fastapi import FastAPI
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient, AsyncIOMotorDatabase

def get_database() -> AsyncIOMotorDatabase:
    """Database provider dependency for the created API."""
    mongo_connection_string = "mongodb://"
    database_name = "tree-db"
    client = AsyncIOMotorClient(mongo_connection_string)
    return client[database_name]

def register_routes(app: FastAPI) -> None:
    """Registers all routes of the application."""
    from .api import make_api as make_tree_node_api

    api_prefix = "/api/v1"


def create_app() -> FastAPI:
    app = FastAPI()


    return app

With everything in place, you can serve the application by executing uvicorn tree_app.main:create_app --reload --factory in your root directory. Go to in the browser to see and try the created REST API.


The project depends on motor (the official asyncio MongoDB driver, which is built on top of pymongo and bson) and pydantic.

fastapi is not an actual dependency, but the code was written with fastapi applications with a REST API in mind.


Use black for code formatting and mypy for static code analysis.


Contributions are welcome.

License - MIT

The library is open-sourced under the conditions of the MIT license.


Collection of async utilities for working with MongoDB and conveniently creating performant APIs with async web frameworks such a FastAPI


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%