vmieres / Machine-Learning

This repo is about Machine Learning and Classification

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Machine Learning

This assignment is about evaluating several machine-learning models to predict credit risk using free data from LendingClub. Credit risk is an inherently imbalanced classification problem, so I used different techniques for training and evaluating models with imbalanced classes. I used the imbalanced-learn and Scikit-learn libraries to build and evaluate models using the two following techniques:


Imbalanced learn library for resampling the LendingClub data and building and evaluating logistic regression classifiers using the resampled data.


Which model had the best balanced accuracy score?

  • Naive Random Oversampling

Which model had the best recall score?

  • Cluster Centroids

Which model had the best geometric mean score?


Ensemble Learning

Used two different ensemble classifiers to evaluate each model and predict loan risk and . As well as the Balanced Random Forest Classifier and the Easy Ensemble Classifier.


Which model had the best balanced accuracy score?

  • Easy Ensemble Classifier

Which model had the best recall score?

  • Easy Ensemble Classifier

Which model had the best geometric mean score?

  • Easy Ensemble Classifier

What are the top three features?

  • (0.09175752102205247, 'total_rec_prncp')
  • (0.06410003199501778, 'total_pymnt_inv')
  • (0.05764917485461809, 'total_pymnt')