Vibhav Khare (vibhavkhare)


Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vibhav Khare's repositories


This project uses JavaFX GUI to create an application that simulates the ASU course enrollment screen. The screen has a leftPane, to add courses, rightPane, to see the courses added and be able to view the total number of classes enrolled in, and finally a centerPane that contains two buttons that allow the user to either add or drop courses.



I used Binary Search Trees in the "GameInventoryCollection" project to create a console app for managing CS ZyBox Live, an online game store. It streamlines game addition, removal, counting, and listing by price. This user-friendly tool also allows for searching games by price and identifying popular titles.



In this project, I employed procedural generation (Dirtball Dropping) to create islands/continents. Users input 2D Array sizes for land to be terraformed. The program requests dirtball size and strength, and the number to hit the land with. It then refines the terraformed array into a polished and colored ASCII-Art display.
