veerNeti / RestAssuredSuite


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Sample Framework

First We shall start automating using RestAssured

  • RestAssured uses DSL (Domain Specific Language) for developing a test code.
  • Key-words:
    1. Given: Scenario Setup/Context builder :

      • Example:
        • Configuration
        • Headers
        • Parameters ,etc.,
    2. When: Do Some action:

      • Example:
        • GET an endpoint
        • Post To an Endpoint
        • ,etc.,
    3. Then: Validate the Response/ Assertions: - Example: - Check Response code - Check Response body - Extract data from Response and validate the fields,etc.,

BaseClass contains: -->Extends --> tests

  • Base URI/PORT
  • Default Headers
  • Other Config

Request & Response Specifications:

  • Request Specification

    • Actions to include in every HTTP Request
    • Header, Cookies, Form Parameters, Base URL, BAse Port
  • Response Specifications

    • Actions to be taken After every HTTP request
    • Check Status code, Check Content-type, Response Time, Check Headers.

-You can use the builder to construct a request specification. The specification can be used as e.g. ResponseSpecification responseSpec = new ResponseSpecBuilder().expectStatusCode(200).build(); RequestSpecification requestSpec = new RequestSpecBuilder().addParam("parameter1", "value1").build();

RequestSpecification requestSpec = new RequestSpecBuilder().addParameter("parameter1", "value1").build(); given(). spec(requestSpec). expect(). body("x.y.z", equalTo("something")). when(). get("/something");

Automating the application:

HTTP Verbs:

  1. GET --> Retrevie Data from an End point
  2. POST --> Send data to an end point
  3. PUT --> update a resource
  4. DELETE-> Delete a resource

#Serialization: Get a Json Object -->Convert into Pojo -->Use pojo in restAssured code to create new game.

#XML Schema

  • Get an XML Object --> Generate an XSD SChema -->Place the schema in our project-->Run a test that validates against the schema

#Json Schema

  • Get a JSON Object -->Generate a JSON SChema--> place the schema in project--> Run Tests against it.

#JSON response to Pojo

  • Genereated a POJO class for payload using for serialization using
  • Add a default constructor -->required by com.fasterxml.jackson.core
  • response.getBody( ).as(ClassName.class); should parse the response to Pojo.

#Meassure Response Time

  • Capture Response Time
  • Asser on Response Time
  • Add response time assertion to response specification.

##Payload management -JSON to Pojo ==> -XML to POJO ==?

##Generate XSD from XML response

Generate JSON Schema from Json response

#Allure Reports:

  • Report will be generated to target/site/allure-maven-plugin folder. To open the report you can use the following command:
    • mvn io.qameta.allure:allure-maven:serve
  • There is another way of generating the report. The generated report can be opened here "target/site/allure-maven-plugin/index.html". The command to generate the report is the following:
    • mvn io.qameta.allure:allure-maven:report

@Epic @Features @Stories/@Story @Severity(SeverityLevel.BLOCKER) @Description("In this cool test we will check cool thing") @Step @Attachment @Link