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Cautionary Tale -- Chisel/ISE issue

shunshou opened this issue · comments

So I've spent the last n days debugging someone else's Chisel/Verilog, which generally exhibited this symptom:

Verilog testbench passes in Vivado (behavioral + post synthesis)
Behavioral Verilog testbench passes in ISE 12.x-14.2
Post synthesis, Verilog testbench fails -- whole modules are optimized out during synthesis with lots of "TXXX is removed b/c ____" warning messages (painful to debug; ISE is required for Virtex 5 support, which is what the NI SDR platform uses)

I eventually found the cause. See the following (valid) Verilog (simplified version of what Chisel emits) that fails post synthesis:

IO: input [4:0] io_simplecomparein,
wire [4:0] T722;
assign io_simplecompare = $signed(io_simplecomparein) < $signed(T722);
assign T722 = {2'h3, 3'h5};

Something that should be functionally equivalent (and actually passes post-synthesis simulation with ISE):

IO: input [4:0] io_simplecomparein
wire [4:0] T722;
assign T722 = {2'h3, 3'h5};
assign io_simplecompare = $signed(io_simplecomparein) < $signed(T722);

Basically, the signed comparison was wrong when T722 was assigned below the < operation, even though it should be perfectly valid to assign T722 below the < operation. This seems to only be a problem when T722 is a constant.

Edit: Ok, so the check is on me. I wasn't sure how signed comparisons worked, so I always sign extended comparator inputs to match widths... (other person was using my extended types) and unfortunately, doing so creates an intermediate node aka T722, that gets assigned to a constant after it is used in the comparison.

Your typical SInt comparison just applies $signed(constant) within the < operation, so you'd never run into this problem...

Either way, the sign extension should be valid, but ISE runs into problems because of the particular ordering of emitted Verilog.

If it's that simple that's a really embarrassing bug in ISE.

I think it was probably something that wasn't caught until the Vivado upgrade b/c no one actually writes code like that... despite it being perfectly valid... >> <<

  1. I guess people who know what's going on with $signed wouldn't try to play it safe and manually sign extend (my bad; here's when being conservative about tool capabilities backfired...) -- this is still somewhat questionably problematic if I had two Fixed with mismatched fractional width (where one was also a lit)
  2. If they did want to sign extend a constant, they'd just represent it with the right # of bits to begin with, rather than doing something like SInt(-3), which would give the representation with the least # of bits.
  3. If they started with a constant with minimal # of bits and then chose to sign extend, they would probably do it in a more logical way i.e. assign T722 before the comparison...

Sounds like it would benefit everyone if you reported this to Xilinx.