tshauck / substrait

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The substrait integration is experimental. Support is currently only available on request.

Substrait - DuckDB

Substrait - DuckDB is an extension that provides substrait support to DuckDB. The main goal of this extension is to support a both production and consumption of substrait query plans in DuckDB.

To build, type


To run, run the bundled duckdb shell:


Then, load the Substrait - DuckDB extension like so:

LOAD 'build/release/substrait.duckdb_extension';


This extension is mainly supported in 3 different APIs. 1) The SQL API, 2) The Python API, 3) The R API. Here we depict how to consume and produce substrait query plans in each API.


In the SQL API, users can generate substrait plans (into a blob or a JSON) and consume substrait plans.

Before using the extension, you must always properly install and load it. To install and load the released version of the substrait library, you must execute the following SQL commands.

  1. Blob Generation

    To generate a substrait blob the get_substrait(SQL) function must be called with a valid SQL select query.

    CREATE TABLE crossfit (exercise text,dificulty_level int);
    INSERT INTO crossfit VALUES ('Push Ups', 3), ('Pull Ups', 5) , (' Push Jerk', 7), ('Bar Muscle Up', 10);
    CALL get_substrait('select count(exercise) as exercise from crossfit where dificulty_level <=5')
    \x12\x09\x1A\x07\x10\x01\x1A\x03lte\x12\x11\x1A\x0F\x10\x02\x1A\x0Bis_not_null\x12\x09\x1A\x07\x10\x03\x1A\x03and\x12\x10\x1A\x0E\x10\x04\x1A\x0Acount_star\x1A\xCB\x01\x12\xC8\x01\x0A\xBB\x01:\xB8\x01\x12\xAB\x01"\xA8\x01\x12\x97\x01\x0A\x94\x01\x12.\x0A\x08exercise\x0A\x0Fdificulty_level\x12\x11\x0A\x07\xB2\x01\x04\x08\x0D\x18\x01\x0A\x04*\x02\x10\x01\x18\x02\x1AJ\x1AH\x08\x03\x1A\x04\x0A\x02\x10\x01""\x1A \x1A\x1E\x08\x01\x1A\x04*\x02\x10\x01"\x0C\x1A\x0A\x12\x08\x0A\x04\x12\x02\x08\x01"\x00"\x06\x1A\x04\x0A\x02(\x05"\x1A\x1A\x18\x1A\x16\x08\x02\x1A\x04*\x02\x10\x01"\x0C\x1A\x0A\x12\x08\x0A\x04\x12\x02\x08\x01"\x00"\x0A\x0A\x06\x0A\x02\x08\x01\x0A\x00\x10\x01:\x0A\x0A\x08crossfit\x1A\x00"\x0A\x0A\x08\x08\x04*\x04:\x02\x10\x01\x1A\x08\x12\x06\x0A\x02\x12\x00"\x00\x12\x08exercise
  2. Json Generation

    To generate a json representing the substrait plan the get_substrait_json(SQL) function must be called with a valid SQL select query.

    CALL get_substrait_json('select count(exercise) as exercise from crossfit where dificulty_level <=5')
  3. Blob Consumption

    To consume a substrait blob the from_substrait(blob) function must be called with a valid substrait BLOB plan.

    CALL from_substrait('\x12\x07\x1A\x05\x1A\x03lte\x12\x11\x1A\x0F\x10\x01\x1A\x0Bis_not_null\x12\x09\x1A\x07\x10\x02\x1A\x03and\x12\x10\x1A\x0E\x10\x03\x1A\x0Acount_star\x1A\xA4\x01\x12\xA1\x01\x0A\x94\x01:\x91\x01\x12\x86\x01"\x83\x01\x12y:w\x12c\x12a\x12+\x0A)\x12\x1B\x0A\x08exercise\x0A\x0Fdificulty_level:\x0A\x0A\x08crossfit\x1A2\x1A0\x08\x02"\x18\x1A\x16\x1A\x14"\x0A\x1A\x08\x12\x06\x0A\x04\x12\x02\x08\x01"\x06\x1A\x04\x0A\x02(\x05"\x12\x1A\x10\x1A\x0E\x08\x01"\x0A\x1A\x08\x12\x06\x0A\x04\x12\x02\x08\x01\x1A\x08\x12\x06\x0A\x04\x12\x02\x08\x01\x1A\x06\x12\x04\x0A\x02\x12\x00\x1A\x00"\x04\x0A\x02\x08\x03\x1A\x06\x12\x04\x0A\x02\x12\x00\x12\x08exercise'::BLOB)


Before using the extension you must remember to properly load it. To load an extension in python, you must execute the sql commands within a connection.

import duckdb

con = duckdb.connect()
  1. Blob Generation

    To generate a substrait blob the get_substrait(SQL) function must be called, from a connection, with a valid SQL select query.

    con.execute('CREATE TABLE crossfit (exercise text,dificulty_level int);')
    con.execute("INSERT INTO crossfit VALUES ('Push Ups', 3), ('Pull Ups', 5) , (' Push Jerk', 7), ('Bar Muscle Up', 10);")
    proto_bytes =  con.get_substrait("select count(exercise) as exercise from crossfit where dificulty_level <=5")     
  2. Json Generation

    To generate a json representing the substrait plan the get_substrait_json(SQL) function, from a connection, must be called with a valid SQL select query.

    json =  con.get_substrait_json("select count(exercise) as exercise from crossfit where dificulty_level <=5").fetchone()[0]
  3. Blob Consumption

    To consume a substrait blob the from_substrait(blob) function must be called, from the connection, with a valid substrait BLOB plan.

    query_result = con.from_substrait(proto_bytes)


Before using the extension you must remember to properly load it. To load an extension in R, you must execute the sql commands within a connection.

con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(config=list("allow_unsigned_extensions"="true")))
dbExecute(con, "LOAD('substrait')")
dbExecute(con, "INSTALL('substrait')"))
  1. Blob Generation

    To generate a substrait blob the duckdb_get_substrait(con,SQL) function must be called, with a connection and a valid SQL select query.

    dbExecute(con, "CREATE TABLE crossfit (exercise text,dificulty_level int);")
    dbExecute(con, "INSERT INTO crossfit VALUES ('Push Ups', 3), ('Pull Ups', 5) , (' Push Jerk', 7), ('Bar Muscle Up', 10);")
    proto_bytes <- duckdb::duckdb_get_substrait(con, "select * from integers limit 5")    
  2. Json Generation

    To generate a json representing the substrait plan duckdb_get_substrait_json(con,SQL) function, with a connection and a valid SQL select query.

    json <- duckdb::duckdb_get_substrait_json(con, "select count(exercise) as exercise from crossfit where dificulty_level <=5")
  3. Blob Consumption

    To consume a substrait blob the duckdb_prepare_substrait(con,blob) function must be called, with a connection and a valid substrait BLOB plan.

     result <- duckdb::duckdb_prepare_substrait(con, proto_bytes)
     df <- dbFetch(result)


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 57.6%Language:Python 34.2%Language:CMake 4.9%Language:Makefile 1.7%Language:R 1.6%