tracyone / love.vim

Save your vim basic setting without modifing vimrc(:Love)

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Save your basic vim setting without modifing your vimrc!

All you need to do is:

  1. Start gvim/vim

  2. do some vim option setting in cmd window or menu

    for example

    :set nonu  
    :colorscheme desert
    :set go-=mT   "no toolbar and menu in gvim
    :set fenc=utf-8  "create files with utf-8 encode
  3. execute :Love

    "save settings
  4. Next time you start vim/gvim,you will find out,your settings
    have been applied.

  5. clean love. you can clear your save config by executing following command.

    "delete settings
  6. Maybe you want to save your settings just for current directory(project root?), love.vim can also save setting in current directory

"save settings in current directory
:Love 1
"delete settings in current directory
:LoveClean 1


It has been tested in MS Windows, Mac OSX and *nix

Use vim-plug

Plug 'tracyone/love.vim'

config example

You don't need to do any config.But you can do it anyway

default support option is:

Options Function
cmdheight the height of cmd window
gfn gui font
gfw gui font for wide char
linespace line space width in gui
nu absolutely line number
rnu releative line number
mouse mouse type
ls whether show status line or not
stal whether show tab line
go gui option
bg background type
fenc file encode type
sh shell type
" You can add other options but save aciton mightbe failed "
"beause of some autocommands or filetype detection or some Plugins
let g:love_support_option=["cul","textwidth"]
let g:love_gui_support_option=['guicursor']

"The location of config file,this Plugin read write this file automatically"
let g:love_config_file = $VIMFILES."/.love.vim"
"The location of config file,this Plugin read write this file automatically"
let g:love_gui_config_file = $VIMFILES."/.gui_love.vim"

NOTE:colorscheme setting is also support.


Save your vim basic setting without modifing vimrc(:Love)


Language:Vim Script 100.0%