tortious / Glorious-Dotfiles

A glorified stolen dot files

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Glorious Dotfiles

There's no place like ~ !


  • OS: I use Arch, btw
  • WM: AwesomeWM
  • Terminal Emulators: kitty, urxvt-pixbuf, xterm
  • Compositor: compton-tryone-git
  • File Manager: nemo
  • Launcher: rofi-git
  • Editor: neovim, atom
  • Browser: firefox
  • Music Player: ncmpcpp, mpd, mpc
  • Lock Screen: mantablockscreen
  • Display Manager: sddm with sugar-candy

An AwesomeWM Setup


  • Brightness and Volume OSDs
  • Web-Search Rofi
  • Deepin-Like Application Dashboard
  • Battery/Charger Notifications Module
  • Dynamic Wallpaper Module
    • Wallpaper changes based on time. You can modify it here $HOME/.config/awesome/module/wallchange.lua
    • Wallpapers are in $HOME/.config/awesome/theme/wallpapers

Latest Theme Preview

Lines Preview
Desktop Screenshot
Dirty Screenshot
Application Dashboard Screenshot

Other themes preview

Rounded Preview
Desktop Screenshot
Dirty Screenshot
Application Dashboard Screenshot
Floppy Preview
--- ---
Desktop Screenshot
Dirty Screenshot
Dashboard Screenshot
App Dashboard Screenshot
Lockscreen Screenshot
Greeter Screenshot


Here is a complete list of dependencies needed for making these AwesomeWM setup to work. If you notice that something is missing, please open an issue so I can add the dependency to this table.

Dependency Description Why/Where is it needed?
awesome-git Window manager yeah awesome
rofi-git Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement Application launcher
Compton-tryone A compositor for X11 compositor with kawase-blur
blueman Manages bluetooth For bluetooth widgets
xfce4-power-manager Manages battery/power settings Power Settings
acpi,acpid,acpi_call Show battery status and other ACPI info Charger notifications
pulseaudio, libpulse Sound system Volume widgets and keybinds
redshift Controls screen temperature Night mode command
mpd Server-side application for playing music Music widgets
mpc Minimalist command line interface to MPD Music widgets
maim Takes screenshots (improved scrot) Screenshot keybinds
xclip Command line interface to the X11 clipboard Useful in taking screenshots
feh Image viewer and wallpaper setter Screenshot previews, wallpapers
xorg-xwininfo Window information utility for X it just works
python3 an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language Web-search Backend
xdg_menu Generates a list of installed applications Useful for generating app list
imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program Album cover extractor
  • Google Sans
  • San Francisco Display


  • My setup is using the dependencies above, well if you don't want bloat you can install what you want. But these are the recommended dependencies:
    • awesome-git master branch (window manager framework)
    • rofi git branch (application launcher)
    • blueman (bluetooth widgets)
    • xfce4-power-manager (power widget)
    • acpi, acpid, acpi_call, upower (battery notifications)
    • pulseaudio, alsa-utils (volume/audio keybinds)
    • mpd, mpc (music widget)
    • maim, xclip (screenshot tool)
    • xorg-xwininfo, xprop (custom titlebar)
    • python3 (web-search rofi)
    • xdg-menu (generates app list)
    • imagemagick (extract album cover, music widget)
  • Copy the selected theme from Glorious-Dotfiles/config/awesome to $HOME/.config/
  • Rename it to awesome
  • Reload Awesome

File Structure

This setup is split in multiple parts:

  • rc.luait is where all the configurations intertwine. You can enable and disable the modules here and load all your configurations.
  • The layout directory contains the panels' configurations. Change panel settings here.
  • In configuration directory you can find all the configs about the key bindings, client rules, tags, starting apps and etc.
  • The module consists of many files that are usually inside the rc.lua like notifications, app menus, etc. You can load them in the rc.lua.
  • The themes folder contains themes and colors of the setup.
  • The widgets contains all the widgets(of course). These are used in the panels and dashboard. It contains the wifi, bluetooth, battery widget and many more.
  • binaries contains bash scripts. I recently added this because running multiple bash commands inside lua is clunky at times. So I decided to split them and have their own territory. Right now, it contains the snap script as screenshot tool and togglewinfx, the script that toggles the compton blur.


  • This setup will not mostly work out of the box because:
    • It is only tested and configured on a 1366x768 resolution (Lenovo x230)
    • Some dependencies are not currently installed
  • Check keybindings using super + F1


  • You need a song with hard-coded album cover for music widget to display its cover.
  • You can disable the dialog backdrop effect in awesome/configuration/client/rules.lua. Just search for dialog and set drawBackdrop to false in the properties. You can also just unload the module in rc.lua.
  • Generating an application menu
    • Install xdg-menu. In Arch, it is called archlinux-xdg-menu It generates a list of applications installed.
    • Execute xdg_menu --format awesome --root-menu /etc/xdg/menus/ >~/.config/awesome/archmenu.lua to generate a list to archmenu.lua
    • You can just substitute its values to awesome/module/menu.lua

So, you need to configure and tweak it by yourself to make it work properly. You can also just open a issue here.

Got a problem? Just open an issue here.

Suggestion? If you have any suggestion on how to improve this setup, please open an issue here.

Special thanks


A glorified stolen dot files


Language:Lua 63.8%Language:CSS 23.4%Language:Shell 8.8%Language:Python 1.9%Language:Vim Script 0.9%Language:Terra 0.6%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.0%