elenapan / dotfiles

There is no place like ~/

Repository from Github https://github.comelenapan/dotfilesRepository from Github https://github.comelenapan/dotfiles

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This is my personal collection of configuration files that forms the desktop you see on the right.

Here are some details about my current setup:


This is not a traditional desktop in any sense. It is highly opinionated, consists of what works for me and looks good for me and frequently disregards traditional desktop conventions and expectations. It has been evolving for about 8 years, spanning across several window managers and a migration from X11 to Wayland.

This desktop is:

  • Mouse-friendly but keyboard-loving, particularly when it comes to Vi keys
  • Dark and cozy, with vibrant colors and a sprinkle of kawaii-ness

Latest iteration: Aphelion


  • A sidebar widget with 3 pages:
    1. Clock, date, weather, system info
    2. Calendar and agenda
    3. Media info and controls
  • Network widget integrated with iwd
  • Agenda widget integrated with .org files
  • Quick alarm widget
  • 2-in-1 powermenu and lockscreen widget
  • A simple dock widget, compatible with sway
  • Bunny headpats

All interactive widgets can be controlled both with the mouse and the keyboard.


  1. Install dependencies

    The following packages need to be installed for all desktop functionality to work.

    Package Purpose
    swayfx Window manager / compositor
    i3ipc Sway-related scripts
    eww Widgets
    bash Various scripts
    python Various scripts
    rofi-wayland Launchers and menus
    dunst Notification daemon
    libnotify Notification creation with notify-send
    notify-send.sh notify-send wrapper for notification replacement
    jq json parsing in various scripts
    inotify-tools Reaction to file changes in various scripts
    light Brightness control
    wget Making HTTP requests in various scripts
    acpid Battery charger state information
    slurp Screen region selection (Wayland)
    grim Screenshot tool (Wayland)
    grimshot grim and slurp wrapper
    playerctl Media info
    imagemagick Media art cropping
    gammastep Screen color temperature tool
    kdeconnect Phone battery information
    kitty Terminal emulator
    iproute2 Network events information
    iwd Wireless daemon


iwd: If you already have a different wireless daemon installed, do not install and enable iwd. Having more than one wireless daemon running at the same time might disconnect your current wireless connection or cause other network issues. Note that iwd can be used as a backend for NetworkManager.


Depending on your distribution, the names of the above packages may slightly differ. Also, some of the packages might not be available in your distribution's repositories so you might have to build them from source.

  1. Install fonts

    The current setup uses the following fonts:

    To save you time hunting for them online, I have uploaded a .zip file to Dropbox. Download the .zip and then:

    # Assuming the .zip was saved in ~/Downloads
    unzip -d ~/.local/share/fonts ~/Downloads/elenapan-dotfiles-fonts.zip
    fc-cache -v
  2. Install dotfiles

    Backup first:

    mkdir ~/config-backup
    cp -r ~/.config/{sway,eww,dunst,fontconfig,kitty,rofi} ~/config-backup

    Then clone the repo and install the relevant dotfiles:

    git clone https://github.com/elenapan/dotfiles
    cd dotfiles
    cp -r config/{sway,eww,dunst,fontconfig,kitty,rofi} ~/.config
  3. Tweak the last few settings

    • Set wallpaper:

      cp /path/to/your/wallpaper ~/.local/share/wallpaper
    • Set location for the weather information widget:

      Edit ~/.config/eww/scripts/daemons/weather.sh and set the location variable. For example:

    • Set lockscreen widget password:

      Edit ~/.config/eww/globals.yuck and set the screen-lock-password variable. For example:

      (defvar screen-lock-password "hunter2")
    • Set agenda widget .org files to watch:

      Edit ~/.config/eww/scripts/daemons/agenda.sh and set the org_files variable. For example:

      org_files=("$HOME/notes/todo.org" "$HOME/notes/birthdays.org" "$HOME/notes/finance.org")


To start the desktop, you may follow the steps in the "Starting" section of the Sway article in the Arch Wiki


SwayFX is essentially Sway with extra features, which means Sway-related and i3-related resources also apply to SwayFX.


All keybinds are declared in the sway configuration directory in the following files:

  • Global keybinds: keys

  • Binding modes: modes

  • Widget keybinds: eww

    These keybinds, implemented using binding modes, are only active when the respective widget is visible.


  • Bugs: This desktop has only one consistent user (me) and there could be bugs I haven't run into yet. If you have the time to report a bug, please do so in the repository's issues.
  • Pull requests: Pull requests for bug fixes or README improvements are welcome. However, before starting work on a pull request for a new feature, please open an issue so we can discuss about it first.

Tip Jar

If you enjoy using this desktop or parts of it and would like to show your appreciation, you may leave a tip here.

It is never required but always appreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 💙

  • Patreon
  • Ethereum: 0x831539d94155C797f786e99f1D061BEc7F11bD38
  • Bitcoin: 12j3D4KR94LY7Svvmp3KzGbfGC4YCZkCLe


There is no place like ~/

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:CSS 72.9%Language:Lua 17.8%Language:Shell 3.8%Language:SCSS 3.6%Language:Vim Script 0.9%Language:Python 0.8%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.3%