There are 7 repositories under zsh-syntax-highlighting topic.
Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
Setup antigen with oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k theme, fzf, autosuggestions, syntax-highlighting
🪗 Soothing pastel theme for zsh-syntax-highlighting
🧛🏻♂️ Dark theme for zsh-syntax-highlighting
🖼 Colorful theme for the fast-syntax-highlighting zsh plugin
编写了一个可快速安装 ohmyzsh 并附加 zsh-autosuggestions 和 zsh-syntax-highlighting 插件的 shell 脚本,高效配置终端环境
List of ohmyzsh plugin
Simple, complete and fast zsh configuration based on oh-my-zsh
My personal zsh configuration
Setup an easy and ready to use zsh configuration with minimal effort
simple installation to make terminal beautiful
🚀 🦆 An intergalactic space theme for zsh-syntax-highlighting.
a dark theme with bright colors for zsh-syntax-highlighting, based on panda-syntax
Gabe's "dotfiles", which are the files in your home directory on Linux that configure various applications.
Custom Terminal