There are 2 repositories under xcode13 topic.
iOS真机调试支持文件,支持iOS9-16,已支持最新的iOS16.1;解决【Your Xcode version may be too old for your iOS version.】、无法识别设备等问题。
A simple project to demonstrate how to refactor an iOS app into using one based on tuist which generates the Xcode project and workspace, and refactor it into a modular architecture. This is the accompanying articles written on
PreviewDevice - is a library with type-safe syntax sugar for preview device on SwiftUI. Preview for UIKit and Cocoa.
A collection of awesome framework, libraries, learning tutorials, videos, webcasts, technical resources and cool stuff about macOS Security.
Swift UI features and general iOS/iPadOS/macOS development coding lab
A custom view modifier in order to present the system email composer in SwiftUI based iOS apps shipped as a Swift package. For Xcode 13 and above.
SwiftUI Animation
An ongoing collection of awesome macOS and iOS security tools, software, libraries, learning tutorials, frameworks, academic and practical resources.
A newsfeed app built using SwiftUI. For use with Capital One's Software Engineering Summit. & FMSS Bilişim iOS Swift Bootcamp Graduation Project
iOS native app demo with Xcode and Swift using MVVM architecture and Apple's Combine framework for functional reactive programming, all with UIKit
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
Projet personnel en développement iOS. App iOS native récupérant les news de différents pays, de différentes langues, avec paramètres et carte interactive.
Exercise for fetching data from PokeAPI in Swift & UIKit
Quiz App - SwiftUI This is a quiz app made with SwiftUI. The app offers multiple choice questions on various topics and provides immediate feedback on the user's answer.
A simple todo list application built using swift for iOS
Code sample for the article about Task ViewModifier. It is new in iOS15. SwiftUI
An IOS app that shows big 6 different animals from different National Parks from Africa, App available for mactosh.
This "Calculator" application is a simple one screen design of calculator screen i have made this single screen design application just to practice AutoLayout concepts. This application supports all Screen Sizes and Orientation in iphone and iPad.
Simple crud with firebase, login and register
DigestSwiftUI is an iOS 15 SwiftUI app that requires Xcode 13. It uses the new TimelineView to continuously display a view of images.
Simple & minimalistic crypto currency price checker
🏫 Swift package to connect to Campus Dual at Berufsakademie Sachsen
An iOS app that streamlines event management and reminders, ensuring users stay organized and never miss important occasions.
University Assignment
트위터 클론 프로젝트
Sample project demonstrating async/await usage inSwift 5.5
Exercise App for fetching Countries infos from rest countries API
Exercise for fetching data from PokeAPI in Objective-C & UIKit