There are 1 repository under x-plane11 topic.
Better Pushback MOD for X-Plane 11/12
Simple node script to fetch datarefs directly from x-plane, without the need for a plugin
Download airport updates from the X-Plane Gateway directly to your game
A library and GUI to create virtual traffic in X-Plane 11. Interacts with the LiveTraffic plugin. Acts as 'RealTraffic' data provider
X-Plane UDP Packet Dissector for Wireshark (LUA)
CrewPackXP is a LUA script to add crew callouts to X-Plane 11 aircraft
Hong Kong IFR X, made by TheFlightSims (formerly TheFlightSimulations)
Linate Milano, made by TheFlightSims (formerly TheFlightSimulations)
Vietnam IFR and Airport X, made by TheFlightSims (formerly TheFlightSimulations)
SmartFlying, an extension to make formation flight using SmartCopilot
Lua based electric engine model for X-Plane ASK21
Re-creation for X-Plane 11, of Picton, Ontario, (Camp Picton) Aerodrome c. 1945 under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan
ACARS, PIREP and Flight Data for Virtual Airlines and X-Plane
FSX Tricky is a desktop application that forwards Microsoft Flight Simulator events from SimConnect to the network via UDP using the same protocol as X-Plane.
Plugin for X-Plane 11 compiled with Qt y C++. It posts a new int dataref and read the value.
Translates X-Plane 11 Data Outputs to a Python Dictionary for external scripting
Arduino Leonardo Software for Fuel Selector Switches by Sinan
Tuning scripts for my X-Plane 11-aircrafts.
Ultralight companion app for HeadTrack X-Plane plugin
Basic integration of Teensy and X-Plane using push buttons and encoders. Encoders use the EncoderTool library by Luni64 for debounce.