There are 6 repositories under wsgi-server topic.
gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
Bringing Http/Https and WebSockets High Performance servers for PyPy3 and Python3
An ultra fast WSGI server for Python 3
Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy. Docs -->
Python WSGI/HTTP server written in C++
Lightweight REST api backend framework that automatically maps urls to python modules and classes
A light weight python web framework that support both ASGI and WSGI
This tool runs scripts and display the result in a Web Interface.
⚙️ Launch a WSGI or ASGI Application in a background thread with werkzeug or uvicorn
A simple LiveServerTestCase for use with any WSGI compliant application
Dasherl - A deployment environment and builder for Dash apps running from Erlang/Elixir
Shows a demo how long running jobs can be run without one user request blocking other requests.
Configured all required software to turn a baseline Ubuntu AWS server into a fully-functional web application server to host a content management software I designed using Apache and PostgreSQL and secures it against several attack vectors.
A proton sized python framework for building backend web applications, from void. [PIP PACKAGE]
Summarize GitHub profiles easily. Get a brief overview of a developer's repositories, skills, and README content with our GitHub profile summary tool Dev Summary.
Threaded wsgi, http, tftp server classes, both console entry points and daemon scripts
Lightweight WSGI framework, inspired by ROR & Laravel frameworks
Own simple WSGI-http server with default python libraries.
Responsive blog application that uses HTML and CSS for the front end and Bootstrap 5 to enhance the website's aesthetic appeal. For the backend, it utilises Python with Flask and stores blog posts in a database using SQLAlchemy. Later its deployed using Gunicorn web server using as hosting service
Containerized web application to run on your own localhost by using any of: Docker/Kubernetes method.
A template repository for Python REST API using Flask server with Postgres database
Python TCP WSGI Server
This package implement a WebShell for CGI and WSGI server.
2025 Diploma Project | Booking Website is a web solution powered by HTML✧CSS✧JS | Flask ✧ WSGI ✧ SQLite3 | Nginx | Docker Compose & Hub | GitHub Actions. Features a deployment pipeline with version control, rollback for CI/CD and monitoring system setup.
RESTful API for managing recipe data, developed using the Django framework. With this API, users can easily retrieve, add, modify, and delete recipe information, all using standardized RESTful protocols.