There are 5 repositories under flask-app topic.
Datta Able - Open-Source Flask Dashboard |
Flask restful service consists of register, login, logout, reset password and some data routes. It includes a few example routes based on user, admin, or super admin access.
Flask Pixel UI Kit - Open-Source web app coded in Flask | AppSeed
Flask Boilerplate - Material Kit Design | AppSeed
Like and retweet your tweets, or search tweets by topic. It stores and serves data with a Flask webapp. 🐦 Live demo running on
Flask starter template to help you build a scalable and maintanable project.
A mobile-responsive demo flask website that includes a login page.
Password Manager WebApp using Flask
read-only k8s interface and debugging platform
It is a basic Rule Base ChatBot purely made in Python(Flask) and run on server hosted on PythonAnywhere and works with the help of Twilio.
Online file storage and synchronization system
Stock-trading webiste
how to deal with multi-armed bandit problem through different approaches
A Convolutional Neural Network model created using PyTorch library over the MNIST dataset to recognize handwritten digits .
This is a blog app created using the Flask web framework in Python for the backend and HTML/CSS & JavaScript for frontend. With this app, you can make blog posts. You will have a title and a description. The title is the subject and the description being the actual blog. You have the ability to update and delete blog posts. You can also create your bio to let others know more about you as well as a profile picture. You can click on other users' name and view their profile. The profile will include their bio and the posts that were made by that specific user. Other features include deleting your account, changing passwords, resetting passwords via email, seeing how many posts you have made, changing your email or username, and more.
COVID-19 Italy Pandemic and Vaccines Dashboard
:brain: A lightweight blog app built with Python and Flask. Source Code from my Python and Flask Web Development Course (Lang: Italian)
This webapp created on Flask which can convert any word into QR Code
Quiz Web App with Flask and MongoDB as the Databases
A Flask app using TMDB API with user authentication and watch list options.
티스토리 스킨을 로컬에서 작업하기 위한 시뮬레이터. python으로 티스토리 스킨을 분석하여 flask로 띄우는 기능을 합니다.
Flask Ajax with crud opration
Task list application using Flask with level and experience points (XP)
A flask (Python) Web Interface for sentiment analysis (NLP).
Image conversion to PDF document, text document, speech.
Jobox is a website that makes it easy for job seekers to find the best jobs based on their resume or CV. We provide job recommendations by matching applicants' skills and job descriptions using artificial intelligence.
A flutter based app using python scripts as backend for a quotes app.
This repository tells you how to develop a flask application for the speech recognition task where you can directly upload any audio file or record your own audio as well to get the transcripted text.
PassTresor is a web-based password manager that helps to manage the passwords in a secure way. All passwords are symmetrically encrypted and stored in a database, which is also secured with a hash-encrypted master password
flask phyton website template themes free download
An online business directory web application using Flask and MySQL
The YouTube Playlist Length web app lets you find out the exact time required to watch a YouTube playlist at various playback speeds.