There are 0 repository under webmock topic.
Erlang library for testing http requests
Amazon Clone : A web-based mockup inspired by Amazon's design, built primarily for educational purposes. This project showcases HTML and CSS skills and serves as a reference for those learning web development. Not for commercial use.
Using external APIs in your test suite can be problematic for many reasons. Webmock can fake out these requests and responses so that your test suite can work predictably without making any real HTTP requests.
An API to search for recipes by country and provide learning opportunities about said country's culture!
Group project between myself, Saryn and Norm. This project involves new concepts such as; Travis CI, API's, using Facade and Service classes to adhere more to SRP, and more.
A Chef custom resource for mocking HTTP requests
:page_with_curl: Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites.
Library packaging and distribution for Ruby.
patch for webmock that instead of halting is doing and dumping the request for easier mocks development
This was a final solo project we were tasked with in Module 3 during my time at Turing School of Software & Design. The main goals were to consume several API's, and expose others.