There are 0 repository under webcache topic.
HTML Content Extractor is a user-friendly web app powered by Streamlit. With it, you can input a URL, retrieve and refine the HTML content from Google's web cache, and save the edited HTML. It also enables you to freely access Medium articles, bypassing member-only restrictions.
A C++11 simulator for a variety of CDN caching policies.
Derive the optimal cache hit ratio for Internet request traces with variable object sizes.
eJet 是一个轻量级、高性能、嵌入式Web服务器,实现HTTP/1.1全栈功能,包括TLS/SSL、正向代理、反向代理、FastCGI、Cookie、Web Cache、访问日志、HTTP变量、HTTP Script脚本程序、JSon配置文件、虚拟主机、HTTP Location、Rewrite/Try_files等指令、HTTP Tunnel、应用回调和动态库回调等,是超大文件上传下载、网站、PHP、CDN、Web Cache、嵌入式Web等服务的理想平台
:page_facing_up: Angular Web Cached View: correctly render Angular in cached views via @AngularClass
Frontcache - page fragment cache designed to boost web app performance. It reduces server response time for dynamic pages, reduces load on backend systems multiple times, increases application's resilience. Works as Servlet Filter or Standalone Cache Server.
This repository consists ongoing work on the following MSc. thesis topic: "Offline caching in web applications for AntidoteDB".
💾 A cache storage engine implemented in Go
Chrome Extension to browse through the Google Cache
Python code on basic implementation of web caching
CacheToFile is a java library to cache your data. This library store your java object in to file no worry about loss your data when server is restarted.
Containerized Polipo web cache
A simple, lightweight Cache Manager for Go websites.
Google Webcache Right Click Extension