There are 0 repository under vif topic.
Measures and metrics for image2image tasks. PyTorch.
Comparison of IQA models in Perceptual Optimization
💨 A desktop application to convert videos to high-quality GIF built with Electron and React
INSAID Assignment to create a ML model to detect fraud transactions for a financial company.
Terraform module to setup AWS Direct Connect resources
Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2. Prepare a prediction model for profit of 50_startups data. Do transformations for getting better predictions of profit and make a table containing R^2 value for each prepared model. R&D Spend -- Research and devolop spend in the past few years Administration -- spend on administration in the past few years Marketing Spend -- spend on Marketing in the past few years State -- states from which data is collected Profit -- profit of each state in the past few years.
'21 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 투고 논문, "XGBoost기반 당뇨병 예측 알고리즘 연구:2016~2018을 이용하여" 연구 과정 전반의 Open Archive입니다.
An intelligent video surveillance system also provides video cameras and recording solutions to monitor every part of the building and site perimeter. Yet it also utilizes smart security technology such as sensors and AI models.
Statistical concepts, from statistical inference to Bayes probability and different distribution types
This is a group project for MTH416A: Regression Analysis at IIT Kanpur
Predictive model that tells important factors(or features) affecting the demand for shared bikes
Machine Learning Project
This is an contrast of linear regression model, used to examine the association between the independent variable(category or contineous) with dependent variable(binary), which is an discrete outcome.
The objective of this project is to find the variables which most affect in predicting the price of a property from the data.
Final Capstone project at Amsterdam University College. Analyzed house prices using hedonic regression and Neural Network.
Prevendo Customer Churn em Operadoras de Telecom
Supervised Classfication models - Logistic Regression & Decision Tree, AUC-ROC Curve
This project uses the Reaction Time Survey dataset to develop a linear regression model for accurately predicting student reaction times based on various predictors. Tech: R (RStudio)
Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Cars-dataset. Model MPG of a car based on other variables. EDA, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Validation Techniques, Collinearity Problem Check, Residual Analysis, Model Deletion Diagnostics (checking Outliers or Influencers) Two Techniques : 1. Cook's Distance & 2. Leverage value, Improving the Model, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 2, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 3, Final Model, Model Predictions.
This project analyzes key socioeconomic and health indicators influencing life expectancy in developing countries, using regression models and statistical techniques to derive actionable insights from WHO and UN datasets.
This project analyzes a heart disease dataset to explore the relationship between cholesterol, heart rate, and chest pain type. It includes normality tests, outlier detection, correlation analysis, MANOVA, post-hoc tests, and VIF analysis, with visualizations using histograms, heatmaps, and boxplots.
To build a multiple linear regression model for the prediction of demand for shared bikes.
Linear regression, VIF, Auto Correlation.
Boston house price prediction using Linear Regression.
Prepare a prediction model for profit of 50_startups data. Do transformations for getting better predictions of profit and make a table containing R^2 value for each prepared model. R&D Spend -- Research and devolop spend in the past few years Administration -- spend on administration in the past few years Marketing Spend -- spend on Marketing in t
Customer Attrition Prediction with Python
This assignment is a programming assignment wherein you have to build a multiple linear regression model for the prediction of demand for shared bikes.
This project tackles BoomBikes' post-Covid revenue decline by predicting shared bike demand after the lockdown. A consulting company identifies key variables impacting demand in the American market. The goal is to model demand, aiding BoomBikes in adapting its strategy to meet customer expectations and navigate market dynamics.
This project aims to develop a machine learning-based predictive model to estimate the probability of default among credit card customers in Taiwan. The project also evaluates the model performance using advanced metrics like the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) statistic to ensure robust and actionable insights for financial decision-making.
Consider a real estate company that has a dataset containing the prices of properties in the Delhi region. It wishes to use the data to optimise the sale prices of the properties based on important factors such as area, bedrooms, parking, etc.
Linear Regression+Decision Tree+Random Forest
Lead_Scoring Case Study using Logistic Regression
Assignment for building a linear regression model for predicting the demand for bike sharing