There are 0 repository under unipisa topic.
Materiale didattico per gli studenti di Ingegneria Informatica presso l'università di Pisa (classe L-8).
Students' material for the course in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering at University of Pisa.
Esercizi svolti e note @ UniPi - Informatica
Ambiente di sviluppo Assembler per Mac. Corso di Reti Logiche, Ingegneria Informatica, @unipisa.
My notes for CS courses at UniPi
University Project for "Formal Methods for Secure Systems" course (MSc Computer Engineering @ University of Pisa). Analysis of malware samples for Android devices (fakebank and reddrop families)
Rewrite in Rust of the Nethuns unified API for fast and portable network programming. Part of MSc Computer Engineering thesis of Riccardo Sagramoni.
Client/server application for hotel room bookings. Distributed Programming project @unipisa 2019
Simple IoT project designed for monitoring the level of carbon monoxide in small factories
Un server concorrente che memorizza file binari. Progetto finale dell'esame di Sistemi operativi anno 2015/16 (laurea in Informatica @ UniPisa)
Appunti del corso di sistemi complessi (UNIPI)
Advanced Programming Assignment about components and event-based communication mechanisms with Java Beans
Haskell implementation of MultiSet - Advanced Programming Assignment
University Project for "Intelligent Systems" course (MSc Computer Engineering @ University of Pisa). Design and implementation of several artificial intelligences (MLP, RBFN, FIS, CNN, RNN) on a dataset composed on biophysical signals
ASE - Advanced Software Engineering: Lab1: Dockerfile, Docker Compose
ASE - Advanced Software Engineering: Lab2: K8S, Docker Swarm
ASE - Advanced Software Engineering: Lab3: CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins
ASE - Advanced Software Engineering: Lab4: Testing (functional, performance)
Script Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey per eseguire automaticamente prenotazioni sul sito
Visual Analytics, project deployment, 06/2022.
Here I will collect part of the programs created for exercise at the University of Pisa.
A concurrent K-Coloring solver
University Project for "Distributed Systems and Middleware Technologies" course (MSc Computer Ering @ University of Pisa). Distributed platform for booking and chatroom features
University Project for "Cloud Computing" course (MSc Computer Engineering @ University of Pisa). MapReduce applications implemented in Hadoop and Spark.
CLI tool to access to It's a one-day-project, so the code is ugly AF, but it serves my purpouse 🙄.
Neural Question Generation system with LLMs
Advanced Programming Assignment about Java Reflection and Annotations
Repository containing the didactic material and three projects of Prof. Gian-Luigi Ferrari and Prof.ssa Chiara Bodei for the exam of Language Based Technology for Security of the Cybersecurity LM-66 Faculty 2020/2021 (University of Pisa).
Simple implementation of the game Wordle for the course of networks at the University of Pisa
CPC - Competitive Programming and Contests - Project: Sliding Window Maximum problem
CPC - Competitive Programming and Contests - Project: Segment tree
CPC - Competitive Programming and Contests - Project: Dynamic Programming