Ruggero1912 / AIDE-unipi

Students' material for the course in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering at University of Pisa.

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AIDE @ unipi

Students' material for the course in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering at University of Pisa.

Use this repo to search for slides, students' notes and information about the course's exams (exams methods, oral questions, past exams, link to past students projects ...).

All the material you can find here has to be considered as unofficial. All the content is made by the students for the students. The material is checked only by the students. Please signal errors or problems (issue panel).
All what you will find there is provided as non-profit.

🌟 If you find a project useful or well made, please leave a star in its repo! 🌟

You can add material by performing a pull request, opening an issue or by contacting one of the mantainers.

If you want to contribute to this repo, in the issues tab you can find an (hopefully) updated list of missing things.

Every contribution will be very appreciated and mentioned in the credits.

You can read more about how to make a contribution in

More mantainers needed for this repo: if you would like to become a mantainer of this repo, please DM one of the mantainer.

This repo was inspired by the one available for the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering course at UniPi.

You can find some other material in the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering repo.

Telegram Groups

Year 1


⛏️ Data Mining

πŸ“š Large Scale Databases

☁️ Cloud Computing

🎲 Opt Methods and Game Theory

πŸ€‘ Business and Project Management

Year 2


πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Process Mining

πŸ€– Multimedia Information Retrieval and Computer Vision

🧠 Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning

πŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈ Symbolic and Evolutionary Artificial Intelligence

Group A

πŸ“± Mobile and Social Sensing Systems

Drive Folder

In this Google Drive you can find some useful resources for AIDE published by the past years students. Many resources will be the same available here. If you find something useful feel free to open an issue or DM a mantainer.




  • Tommaso Amarante
  • Mobile project MyPadel
  • Large Scale Project Rechype
  • Mobile notes
  • Data Mining project QoS Data Analysis
  • MIRCV Project Plant-Leaves Search Engine
  • Cloud Computing notes
  • MIRCV notes
  • Cloud Computing project 20-21
  • Business and Project Mgmt project videogames market search
  • Cloud Computing notes
  • Internet of Things notes
  • Large Scale project BeatBuddy
  • Cloud Computing project 22-23 K-Means
  • IoT project GreenHouse+
  • Federica Baldi
  • Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning project Lymphoblasts Image Classification
  • MIRCV Project Bird Images Search Engine
  • IoT project SmartSauna
  • Data Mining project SoundHabit
  • Distributed Systems Project GameOn
  • Tommaso Baldi
  • Data Mining project StockSentiment
  • Large Scale Project PaperRater
  • Distributed Systems project Battleship
  • Cloud Computing project 21-22 Bloom Filter
  • IoT project iot_hydro_food
  • Stefano Bianchettin
  • Cloud Computing project 21-22 Bloom Filter
  • Lorenzo Bianchi
  • IoT project SmartFruitFridge
  • Data Mining Project Articles Categorizer
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • MIRCV Project Plant-Leaves Search Engine
  • Iacopo Bicchierini
  • Mobile project MyPadel
  • IoT project SmartFruitFridge
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • MIRCV Project Plant-Leaves Search Engine
  • Tommaso Burlon
  • Distributed Systems project Auction Handler
  • Pietro Calabrese
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • Francesco Campilongo
  • Large Scale project JustRecipe
  • Distributed Systems Project GameOn
  • Data Mining project SpamDetector
  • IoT Project Temperature Regulation System
  • Daniele Cioffo
  • Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning project Lymphoblasts Image Classification
  • MIRCV Project Bird Images Search Engine
  • IoT project SmartSauna
  • Data Mining project SoundHabit
  • Distributed Systems Project GameOn
  • Large Scale project JustRecipe
  • data mining project PDFMalwareDetector
  • Erica Dallatomasina
  • Large Scale project Job Advisor
  • Data Mining project TweetStance
  • Rossella De Dominicis
  • Process Mining Project Sea Container Inspection
  • MIRCV Project Dog Breeds Search Engine
  • Matteo Del Seppia
  • Distributed Systems project Battleship
  • Data Mining project VoiceID Notes
  • Large Scale project LearnIt
  • Francesco Del Turco
  • IoT Project Temperature Regulation System
  • Data Mining project MoneyGuard
  • Cloud Computing project AA 20-21
  • Federica Dini
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • IoT project Hospital Monitoring System
  • Stefano Dugo
  • cloud computing project AA 21-22
  • MIRCV notes AA 22-23
  • Large Scale notes AA 21-22
  • Business and Project Mgmt notes AA 20-21
  • Mobile and social sensing systems notes AA 21-22
  • Edoardo Fazzari
  • Data Mining project AirBnB Price Estimator
  • Large Scale project PokeMongo
  • Distributed Systems Project UniSup
  • Computation Intelligence and Deep Learning project Artist Identification
  • MIRCV Project Bird Images Search Engine
  • MIRCV AA 21-22 Mushroom image search engine
  • LSMDB EventinZona Mobile App (February 2023)
  • Data Mining project US Election 2020 tweets analysis
  • Cloud Computing project 21-22 Bloom Filter
  • Veronica Gavagna
  • Process Mining Project Sea Container Inspection
  • Sina Gholami
  • Distributed Systems project UniSup
  • Valerio Giannini
  • Large Scale notes
  • Data Mining project FederatedDBScan
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • Francesco Grillea
  • OMGT notes
  • Matteo Guidotti
  • Mobile project MyPadel
  • Francesco Hudema
  • Large Scale project PaperRater
  • Francesco Iemma
  • Mobile project ChatApp with Emotional State Recognition
  • Distributed Systems project Auction Handler
  • Large Scale project JustRecipe
  • Aizdi Leena
  • Large Scale project Job Advisor
  • Data Mining project House Price Predictor
  • BPMGT oral questions
  • Fabio Malloggi
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • Francesco Marabotto (Cloud Computing project 20-21)

  • Gabriele Marino

  • Cloud Computing project AA 21-22
  • Mobile project ChatApp with Emotional State Recognition
  • MIRCV notes
  • OMGT notes
  • SEAI notes
  • Industrial Applications notes
  • Federico Minniti
  • Distributed Systems project Battleship
  • Data Mining project VoiceID Notes
  • Large Scale project LearnIt
  • Farzaneh Moghani
  • Cloud Computing project AA 20-21
  • Arezoumandan Morteza
  • IoT project Air Pollution Monitoring
  • Data Mining project Pandemic Insights
  • Large Scale project Job Advisor
  • Cloud Computing project AA 20-21
  • Edoardo Morucci
  • Mobile project MyPadel
  • Large Scale Project Rechype
  • Data Mining project QoS Data Analysis
  • MIRCV Project Plant-Leaves Search Engine
  • Cloud Computing notes
  • MIRCV notes
  • Cloud Computing project 20-21
  • Enrico Nello
  • Cloud Computing project 20-21
  • Data Mining project CryptoPredictor
  • Edoardo Nuovocancello
  • Mobile questions
  • Giacomo Pacini
  • Data Mining oral questions exam 2023-02-22
  • Cloud Computing notes (2023-02-09)
  • Mobile questions
  • Large Scale questions
  • Business and Project Mgmt project videogames market search
  • NiccolΓ² Panichi
  • Cloud Computing project 20-21
  • Antonio Patimo
  • MIRCV project AA 22-23
  • Francesco Pesciatini
  • Large Scale questions
  • Francesca Pezzuti
  • MIRCV project Search Engine (2023-01)
  • (Large Scale project LearnIt)
  • Giacomo Piacentini
  • Process Mining Project Sea Container Inspection
  • MIRCV Project Dog Breeds Search Engine
  • Data Mining project Pandemic Insights
  • Matteo Pierucci
  • Mobile questions
  • Data Mining project CryptoPredictor
  • Cloud Computing project 21-22 Bloom Filter
  • IoT project iot_hydro_food
  • Mirko Ramo
  • Data Mining project AirBnB Price Estimator
  • Large Scale project PokeMongo
  • Distributed Systems Project UniSup
  • Computation Intelligence and Deep Learning project Artist Identification
  • MIRCV Project Bird Images Search Engine
  • Edoardo Ruffoli
  • Data Mining project StockSentiment
  • Large Scale Project PaperRater
  • Ahmed Salah Tawfik Ibrahim
  • Data Mining project MoneyGuard
  • IoT project Hospital Monitoring System
  • Cloud Computing project AA 20-21
  • Niko Salamini
  • Large Scale Project Rechype
  • Mobile project ChatApp with Emotional State Recognition
  • Alessio Serra
  • Data Mining project FederatedDBScan
  • Cloud Computing Project 20-21
  • Marco Simoni
  • Cloud Computing project 20-21
  • MIRCV project Search Engine (2023-01)
  • Mobile questions
  • business questions
  • cloud computing project AA 21-22
  • Gaetano NicolΓ² Terranova
  • Process Mining Project Sea Container Inspection
  • MIRCV Project Dog Breeds Search Engine
  • Benedetta Tessa
  • MIRCV project Search Engine (2023-01)
  • Cloud Computing project AA 21-22
  • Carmine Tranfa
  • BPMGT Project
  • Cloud Computing project AA 21-22
  • Olgerti Xhanej
  • Large Scale project PokeMongo
  • Mobile project ChatApp with Emotional State Recognition
  • Distributed Systems project Auction Handler

Contributions list directives

Acknowledged contributors are the ones whose contributions list is quoted.
If your contribution or the one of someone you know is not acknowledged, please DM a mantainer to confirm or reject your presence (we did not manage to contact you).
Project links usually need contribution confirmation if it is a new contributor, while oral questions reported on a group usually do not require a confirmation.

If you want to be added to the contributors list or to be removed, write to the mantainers.


Students' material for the course in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering at University of Pisa.