There are 0 repository under tuna topic.
list of Chinese mainland mirrors
Hyperparameter search for AllenNLP - powered by Ray TUNE
Tuna OBS for displaying current song (Presets)
Homebrew Tap wangyonghong/openjdk-mirror 是为了使用 Homebrew 安装 AdoptOpenJDK 更加快速而维护的一个 Homebrew Tap。官方的 Homebrew Tap 下载比较慢,而此 Homebrew Tap 镜像的来源是清华的镜像 TUNA AdoptOpenJDK,下载相对会快很多。
Tuna fishing 🎣 supplychain on Hyperledger Fabric using nodejs chaincode..
Outputs from Kaggle tuna fisheries competition sponsored by The Nature Conservancy
Este aplicativo registra dados de viagens de pesca, incluindo identificação da embarcação, esforço de pesca, capturas, descartes e capturas não intencionais. Visa apoiar na coleta de dados de pesca da frota de longline nas Grandes Unidades Oceânicas do Brasil
Each script and notebook in the repository is well-documented, with extensive logging for transparency and reproducibility. The repository is designed for researchers, data scientists, and conservationists interested in applying data-driven methods to marine ecology and species management.
This code was used to wrangle and process AIS-based fishing effort data from Global Fishing Watch. I selected for tuna purse seine vessels. Once combined with vessel identity information, the corporate actors or beneficial owners of fishing vessels were manually identified. Code will be cleaned up in the near future.
Templates para a Unidade Corricular de Sistemas Operativos
QMK Configuration for Tuna Keyboard (My Keyboard)