There are 0 repository under tu-dresden topic.
Browser Extension for higher productivity with TU Dresden IT-Services 🚀
:clock2: Arbeitszeitnachweis gem. Mindestlohngesetz
🌯 See what's for lunch at Dresden's canteens
Skripte zu den Vorlesungen für den Mathematik-Bachelor (+ Nebenfach VWL, + Nebenfach Physik) der TU Dresden
A lightweight Description Logic reasoner for large-scale biomedical ontologies
Reasoner for the description logic EL+.
Bayesian Ontology Reasoner
Documentation accompanying my research project at TU Dresden
Downloader for Videos hosted on including most Videos on
Automatic Login Script for most TUD Services
🌯 Scraping Dresden's canteens for juicy meal data
💸 MoneyMoney extension for Studentenwerk Dresden's Emeal Kartenservice
Protégé plugin for completing OWL ontologies
A tool that informs about new jExam results
ein Bot für das Invote-System der TU Dresden (FUNKTIONIERT AKTUELL NICHT, neue Version:
Fortran-Programme zur Vorlesung "Programmieren für Mathematiker" der TU Dresden im WS2017/18 und SS2018
This extension injects KaTeX into the Riot chat client for matrix.
📝 Übungsmaterialien für die Lehrveranstaltung Programmierung im Sommersemester 2019
Tool for finding unifiers in the description logic EL
Alle Mitschriften meines Bachelorstudiums der Mathematik an der Technischen Universität Dresden.
:mortar_board: automatic translation for the homepage, twitter and facebook of the TU Dresden
[RoboLab] Debian providing the Python 3.6 release to ev3dev-jessie running on the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 hardware.
:fire::question::exclamation: Public issue tracker for the RoboLab Docs.
[RoboLab] Docker files to build customized ev3dev images for the RoboLab courses conducted by the Systems Engineering Group at the Faculty of Computer Science, TU Dresden.
Typst template for slides and presentations for TU Dresden
Solutions to tasks from the university course computer vision 1
Inspection of mystery IP adress near university.
Introductory programming course with Java held at Technical University of Dresden
Typst thesis and paper template for TU Dresden researchers and students.