There are 0 repository under trigrams topic.
pg_search builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL’s full text search
Postgres full text search options (tsearch, trigram, ilike) examples
Next Word Prediction using n-gram Probabilistic Model with various Smoothing Techniques
Small webpage for finding the odd unicode char code.
This project is an auto-filling text program implemented in Python using N-gram models. The program suggests the next word based on the input given by the user. It utilizes N-gram models, specifically Trigrams and Bigrams, to generate predictions.
Determining the similarity of alphanumeric text based on trigram matching.
A collection of string comparisons algorithms
Text language detection basic on trigrams.
Cryptanalysis of Enigma M4 in Go Lang with pure statistical means utilizing Index of Coincidence and Trigram analysis.
Written Language Detection and Gibberish Synthesis for NAO.
This project implements HMM model on trigrams resulting a better accuracy in POS tagging
A Go n-gram indexer for natural language processing with modular tokenizers and data stores
analyze trump's nonsense, feed in a topic, and generate a new tweet based on a custom corpus.
Classe responsável por simplificar o processo de criação de um modelo Doc2Vec (gensim) com facilitadores para geração de um vocab personalizado e com a geração de arquivos de curadoria. Dicas usando elasticsearch e singlestore.
Predicting next word with Natural Language Processing. Being able to predict what word comes next in a sentence is crucial when writing on portable devices that don't have a full size keyboard. However the same techniques used in texting application can be applied to a variety of other applications, for example: genomics by segmenting DNA, sequences speech recognition, automatic language translation or even as one student in the course suggested music sequence prediction.
A text mining analysis about requests to information access to São Paulo municipality in 2018
Este é um programa de inteligência artificial simples para prever a próxima palavra baseada em uma string informado usando bigramas e trigramas baseados em um arquivo .txt. Existem dois códigos, um usando console e outro usando o tkinter.
Assigmnents of CL
This is a simple search app built with Django, PostgreSQL, Docker, Gunicorn.Demo
Testing & learning different nlp and lex techniques
A project featuring the use of various NLP techniques and ML algorithms like the topic modelling and paragraph embeddings, for document clustering. 📰📚
Global NIPS Paper Implementation Challenge - Plagiarism Detection on Electronic Text Based Assignments Using Vector Space Model (iciafs14)
Word generator using n-gram probabilities
The task for this project is to segment a sequence of English characters into the most likely word sequence.
A map-reduce implementation in Apache Hadoop (AWS EMR) for calculating the probabilities of trigrams in the Hebrew language. This project utilizes the deleted estimation two-way cross validation method to calculate trigram probabilities. The Google Hebrew Trigram database serves as this project's corpus.
Builds N-gram language modes and applies text generation.
Ngram-based indexing of strings into a binary file
This application demonstrates how to use PostgreSQL as a full-text search and spatial engine
The Practice "Sentence Generator"
The projects for the NLP course at the University of Isfahan.