There are 0 repository under tanstack-router topic.
Full stack, modern web application template. Using FastAPI, React, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, automatic HTTPS and more.
minimal TanStack Start template with Better Auth, Drizzle ORM, Tailwind CSS
NextUI v2.4.6 Dashboard with React
State management using Zustand, immer, and Tanstack Query
Boilerplate for a web application with React and .Net Core using Azure (MSAL) for the authentication
A local-only calories tracker app made with TanStack Router, PGlite, Effect, XState and drizzle. The app is all client-side, fast, private, and reactive using a local postgres database ⚡️
The digital drawing tool that enables you to create, edit, and share your drawings across all your devices.
Managing table pagination, filtering and sorting on query parameters with the TanStack
Navotar with Tailwind and Tanstack Router and Query
A Deno Monorepo Starter Kit
⚛️ A simple vite react typescript starter template with husky, conventional commit, eslint, stylelint, prettier, sass, tailwindcss, material ui, tanstack routing, redux and saga, vitest and cypress
ReactRover is a React TypeScript project that combines Vite, Bun, MUI, Tanstack and some other useful libraries to provide a solid foundation for building frontend applications
A Minimal ⚛️ React Starter Template with Vite, TailwindCSS, and Typescript pre-configured with ESLint, Prettier and Husky.
TanStack Start starter with shadcn/ui, tRPC, Drizzle and Lucia-Auth.
TanStack Router Tutorial (code for each chapter is on its own branch) 👀
Electron starter template
A better THE FINALS leaderboard.
This project is a web application built with TanStack Start and Drizzle ORM. It demonstrates a full-stack React application with routing, server-side rendering, and database integration.
Source code for the falkor website
Tanstack router - my kitchen sink
React Starter Project with Tanstack Router and Tanstack Query built using Vite
Simple boilerplate based on TW, shadcn-ui, tanstack-router
A monorepo with CMS, UI library and client applications built for rapid full stack web development.
My Notes App 📝
Monorepo Template (WIP) using Turborepo, SST, Tanstack Router, Bun, Drizzle ORM
Boilerplate for Electron apps with file-based router, tailwind, shadcn/ui, and many more.
A curated list of examples using Tanstack Headless, type-safe, & powerful utilities
A local-only activity tracker app made with DexieJS, TanStack Router, Effect and React 19. The app is all client-side, fast, private, and reactive using a local database ⚡️
The comprehensive sign-in and training platform for the University of Sheffields Makerspace