There are 0 repository under target-group topic.
Terraform module to create CloudWatch Alarms on ALB Target level metrics.
Terraform module to provision an HTTP style ingress rule based on hostname and path for an ALB using target groups
Here is a project which is deployed in AWS with created several services. Moreover, the complete project is deployed using terraform as IaC.
This simple python script fetches target groups (from elbv2 AWS API) and dumps it to google spreadsheets. You only need to provide the spreadsheet URL as input and you are good to go!
if you want to create some instances with ASG and have Application Load Balancer, this repo will help you alot
Default Backend for ECS that serves a pretty 404 page
Django Blog Application deployed on AWS Application Load Balancer with Auto Scaling, S3, Relational Database Service, VPC's Components, Lambda, DynamoDB and CloudFront with Route 53 using Terraform with AWS and GitHub Providers
A simple group target savings application that allow business owners to create thrift goals, add potential buyers/customers to save at their defined period frequency towards their goals. Backend built with supabase leveraging on PostgresSQL and the supabase fluent api.
:vhs: Технопарк 3 семестр. Курсовая работа по курсу "HighLoad". Веб-сервер для отдачи статики с диска
Terraform AWS Load balancer Target group
Django Blog Application deployed on AWS Application Load Balancer with Auto Scaling, S3, Relational Database Service, VPC's Components, Lambda, DynamoDB and CloudFront with Route 53 using AWS CloudFormation Template
Create AWS Network Load Balancer with Terraform - Demo for both TCP and TLS Listeners. This repository contains configuration files and a step-by-step guide to creating an AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) using Terraform.
Terraform module to create an entire service on ECS fargate, complete of target group and autoscaling
CloudFormation to provision Amazon ECS Clsuter and deploy helloworld web app service
cloudformation templates
The project encompassed the creation of a fictional pet store and the development of a Shopify website. Key components included SEO implementation for improved search engine visibility, establishment of social media channels, utilization of Google Ads campaigns to target new customers, implementation of a Mailchimp campaign and results through UA.
Creating instances automatically according to the desired traffic!
Load balancing through the target groups for an application using AWS!
Provide domain name service to any application!
Path-based routing is one of the unique feature offered by ALB. Path-based routing is also referred as URL based routing. The Application load balancer will forward the requests to the specific targets based on the Rules configured in the Load balancer.
:heavy_check_mark: Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program - Project 2