There are 0 repository under eip topic.
Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
:camel: This project hosts the source code for the examples of the Camel in Action 2nd ed book :closed_book: written by Claus Ibsen and Jonathan Anstey.
Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals
Free implementation of EtherNet/IP in C++
Runs Camel on Spring Boot and provides starters for Camel components
Spring Integration implementations for well-known Microservices Patterns
Reference implementation for the ERC-1363 Payable Token
EIP-PlantUML adds Enterprise Integrations Patterns elements to PlantUML to provide easy support of designing EIP architectures for both, up-front design as well as development-time automated documentation generation.
LUKSO Improvement Proposals. Repository for the LUKSO Blockchain Improvement Proposals (LIPs) and LUKSO Standards Process (LSP).
A web application showcasing the implementation and usage of EIP-6963 for Multi Injected Provider Discovery
Spring-boot integration with Activiti,Drools,LDAP,MySQL,ActiveMQ,Jasper Report,Restful API with SwaggerUI, AngularJS+Ionic,and more.
the EIP and reference implementation which we will submit to the EIP repo.
three samples in different branches that illustrates usage of apache camel as microservice framework providing integration with consul, hystrix, ribbon and other tools
ESB for Python. Implements various Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Fungible token implementation for the Ethereum blockchain.
ERC-1484 Reference Implementation
Enterprise Integration Patterns icon set for Enterprise Architect
This project is an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) implementation of Gregor Hohpe's Loan Broker example. The purpose is to show how serverless orchestration with integration patterns could be implemented with CDK.
This project provides SVG-shapes for the Enterprise Integration Patterns that are intended to be used with Gliffy.
Index of Rareskill Blog posts using playwright
Super simple and quick project to deploy erc404 on your favorite network with minimum modification
**This project has been donated to Apache Camel** RocketMQ component for Apache Camel
A simple way to discover based on DNS or IP address, what the resource, getting details like AWS account, VPC, subnets, tags, and so on..
Kaoto - The Integration Designer for Apache Camel
A quick onboarding into EIP-6963 implementation with an interactive demo.